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    Artistic License 2.0
  • Created over 5 years ago
  • Updated about 1 year ago


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Repository Details

A curated list of awesome Internet port and host scanners, plus related components and much more, with a focus on free and open source projects.

Awesome Internet Scanning Awesome Honeypots

A curated list of awesome Internet port and host scanners, plus related components and much more, with a focus on free and open source projects.

There is no pre-established order of items in each category, the order is for contribution. If you want to contribute, please read the guide.

Discover more awesome lists at sindresorhus/awesome.


Related Lists

Port Scanners

  • dscan - asynchronous TCP host scanner.
  • gps - scanning platform that learns and predicts the location of IPv4 services across all 65K ports.
  • lzr - Internet-wide scanner that detects and fingerprints unexpected services on unexpected ports
  • masscan - TCP port scanner, spews SYN packets asynchronously, scanning entire Internet in under 5 minutes.
  • netscanner - netscanner - TCP/UDP scanner to find open or closed ports
  • nmap - the Network Mapper. Github mirror of official SVN repository. https://svn.nmap.org/
  • sx - Fast, modern, easy-to-use network scanner (ARP/TCP/UDP/SOCKS5, etc.)
  • xmap - XMap is a fast network scanner designed for performing Internet-wide IPv6 & IPv4 network research scanning
  • zmap - a fast single packet network scanner designed for Internet-wide network surveys.

DNS Scanners

  • dns-scanner - fast asynchronous NS scanner to locate subdomains.
  • massdns - high-performance DNS stub resolver for bulk lookups and reconnaissance (subdomain enumeration).

Nmap Tools

  • dscan - Distributed Nmap, wrapper around Nmap to allow distributed network enumeration.
  • goscan - Interactive Network Scanner.
  • LazyMap - Automate NMAP Scans and Generate Custom Nessus Policies Automatically.
  • ObsidianSailboat - Nmap and NSE command line wrapper in the style of Metasploit.
  • nmap-bootstrap-xsl - Nmap XSL implementation with Bootstrap.
  • python-libnmap - libnmap is a python library to run nmap scans, parse and diff scan results. It supports python 2.6 up to 3.4.
  • Sandmap - a tool supporting network and system reconnaissance using the massive Nmap engine. It provides a user-friendly interface, automates and speeds up scanning and allows you to easily use many advanced scanning techniques.
  • Scantron - A distributed nmap / masscan scanning framework with web GUI.
  • WebMap - Nmap Web Dashboard and Reporting.
  • Zenmap - the official Nmap Security Scanner GUI. It is a multi-platform (Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, BSD, etc.) free and open source application.