Code from CS193P Course
All the code samples in this repo are completely written by Paul Hegarty of Stanford University for demo during CS193P Winter 2015 Lectures. I don't deserve any credit for it. I have just downloaded from CS193P official website and uncompressed and uploaded here for easier viewing and sharing. To watch lectures please subscribe via iTunes
CS193P is iOS Application Development course taught at Stanford by Paul Hegarty. Current course (winter 2015) covers iOS8 development using Swift and Xcode 6.
Lecture 5: Views
Custom Views, @IBDesignable, @IBInspetable, UIBezierPath, Draw Circle, arcs and various shapes on views. Happiness Demo
Lecture 6: Delegation & Gestures
Lecture 7: Multiple MVCs
Lecture 8: VCL Autolayout
Lecture 9: ScrollView & Multithreading
Lecture 10: Table View
Lecture 12: Dynamic Animation
Lecture 13: AirDrop & Bouncer
Demo code from the Application Lifecycle, Notifications and Core Motion lecture.
Lecture 14: MapKit
Lecture 15: Segues, Notifications, Visual Effects
Lecture 16: Camera File System Embed
Lecture 17: Settings Localization
Bouncer and internationalized version of Autolayout demo.
This work by Stanford University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Based on a work at