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  • Created about 5 years ago
  • Updated 8 months ago


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Repository Details

The PQUIC implementation, a framework that enables QUIC clients and servers to dynamically exchange protocol plugins that extend the protocol on a per-connection basis


The PQUIC implementation, a framework that enables QUIC clients and servers to dynamically exchange protocol plugins that extend the protocol on a per-connection basis.

The current PQUIC implementation supports the draft-29 version of the QUIC specification.

Using Docker

Docker builds exist on (Docker Hub)[https://hub.docker.com/r/pquic/pquic/]. They contain a build of the master branch, along with the necessary tools to build PQUIC.

    docker run -it pquic/pquic
    ./picoquicdemo -h

Building PQUIC

More detailed instructions are available at: https://pquic.org

PQUIC is developed in C, and is based on picoquic (https://github.com/private-octopus/picoquic). It can be built under Linux (the support of Windows is not provided yet). Building the project requires first managing the dependencies, Picotls, uBPF, michelfralloc, libarchive and OpenSSL.

PQUIC on Linux

To build PQUIC on Linux, you need to:

  • Install and build Openssl on your machine

  • Install libarchive. It is usually found in distribution packages (e.g., apt install libarchive-dev) or on (the LibArchive page)[http://libarchive.org/]

  • Clone and compile Picotls (https://github.com/p-quic/picotls), using cmake as explained in the Picotls documentation.

  • Clone and compile PQUIC with both its uBPF and michelfralloc dependencies:

   git submodule update --init
   cd ubpf/vm
   cd ../..
   cd picoquic/michelfralloc
   cd ../..
   cmake .


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