A VTE-based, simple and froggy terminal emulator.
VTE is a GTK widget that is designed to create virtual terminal emulators. GNOME Terminal, ROXTerm and evilvte are a few examples of terminal emulators that use the VTE widget. With the case of kermit, although it is a "yet another" VTE implementation, it aims to keep everything simple and customizable while providing some additional features.
The project is inspired by Vincent Bernat's article and also his implementation of a custom VTE-based terminal. Terminal features and appearance are mostly influenced by Rxvt, termite and st.
Table of Contents
mkdir -p build && cd build
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
sudo make install
cd src/
gcc -s -O3 -Wall -Wno-deprecated-declarations $(pkg-config --cflags vte-2.91) kermit.c -o kermit.o $(pkg-config --libs vte-2.91)
* kermit
depends on vte3 and gtk3 packages.
- Uses the default shell (
) - Supports transparency with a composite manager (such as compton)
- Supports base16 color schemes (customizable theme)
- Supports custom keys and associated commands
- Supports tabs
kermit [-h] [-v] [-d] [-c config] [-t title] [-w workdir] [-e command]
[-h] shows help
[-v] shows version
[-d] enables the debug messages
[-c config] specifies the configuration file
[-t title] sets the terminal title
[-w workdir] sets the working directory
[-e command] sets the command to execute in terminal
Key Bindings
Key | Action |
ctrl-alt-[c] |
copy to clipboard |
ctrl-alt-[v] |
paste from clipboard |
ctrl-alt-[t] |
open a new tab |
ctrl-alt-[r] |
reload configuration file |
ctrl-alt-[d] |
load the default configuration |
ctrl-alt-[q] |
exit the terminal |
ctrl-alt-[k][up] |
increase font size |
ctrl-alt-[j][down] |
decrease font size |
ctrl-alt-[=] |
reset font size to default |
ctrl-alt-[return] |
open a new tab |
ctrl-alt-[num] |
switch to the tab number |
ctrl-alt-[l][right][pgup] |
switch to the next tab |
ctrl-alt-[h][left][pgdn] |
switch to the previous tab |
ctrl-alt-[w][backspace] |
close the selected tab |
โข Key bindings (ctrl-alt
) can be set to ctrl-shift
with using the config file.
โข Default key bindings (ctrl-alt
) might conflict with your desktop environments window shortcuts. To solve this issue, key bindings should be changed to ctrl-shift
Config File
Most of the settings including font, opacity and colors can be changed via the config file. The default configuration file is available here.
looks for configuration file in ~/.config/kermit.conf
The terminal theme can be changed by either editing the config file manually or using the base16 color schemes in orhun/base16-kermit repository.
uses a PangoFontDescription which is retrieved from the kermit.conf
for changing the font family, style and size. The configuration entry format of the font and some examples are shown below and the default value is monospace 9
is a comma-separated list of families optionally terminated by a comma, STYLE_OPTIONS
is a whitespace-separated list of words where each WORD describes one of style, variant, weight, or stretch, and SIZE
is a decimal number (size in points).
โข Available font families: Normal, Sans, Serif and Monospace
โข Available styles: Normal, Oblique, Italic
โข Available weights: Ultra-Light, Light, Normal, Bold,Ultra-Bold, Heavy
โข Available variants: Normal, Small-Caps
โข Available stretch styles: Ultra-Condensed, Extra-Condensed, Condensed, Semi-Condensed, Normal, Semi-Expanded, Expanded, Extra-Expanded, Ultra-Expanded
font sans bold 12
font normal 10
font monospace bold italic condensed 12
Key Bindings
Custom keys and associated commands can be specified with the configuration file. An example entry is available here and entry format is shown below.
bind/bindx [KEY]~"[COMMAND]"
โข bind: Send command to the terminal.
โข bindx: Send command to the terminal and execute.
bindx f~"df -h"
bind r~"rm -i "
bind p~"ps aux | grep "
bind k~"kill -9 "
In order to change the padding of the terminal, create ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
if it does not exist, specify the values there and restart the terminal.
vte-terminal {
padding: 3px 2px 2px 1px;
The command below can be used to create the both configuration files.
curl --output ~/.config/kermit.conf && \
printf "VteTerminal,\nTerminalScreen,\nvte-terminal {\n\tpadding: 3px 2px 2px 1px;\n}\n" > ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
- URL handling
GNU General Public License v3.0 only (GPL-3.0-only)
Copyright ยฉ 2019-2023, Orhun Parmaksฤฑz