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Repository Details

Bulk Stash is a docker rclone service to sync, or copy, files between different storage services. For example, you can copy files either to or from a remote storage services like Amazon S3 to Google Cloud Storage, or locally from your laptop to a remote storage.

Bulk Stash - Batch processing for cloud storage

Bulk Stash is an rclone service to sync, or copy, files between different storage services. For example, you can copy files either to or from a remote storage services like Amazon S3 to Google Cloud Storage, or locally from your laptop to a remote storage. Bulk Stash is a dockerized version of rclone.

You can also use this for copying or syncing files locally to a remote SFTP server or between two remote SFTP servers.


There are advanced use cases where you can actually transfer a certain class of files (CSV) to Amazon S3 for import into Amazon Redshift, BigQuery or Amazon Athena. If you are interested in learning check out this blog post.


  • Dockerized: rclone is neatly packed into a Docker image that can be run anywhere Docker can be installed.
  • Alpine Linux: The container uses Alpine Linux which makes it light and efficient. The image size is < 26mb.
  • Environment Variables: The image is designed to take advantage of recent support in rclone to utilize environment variables. This means you don't have to step through the typical config initialization process.
  • Process Monitoring and Management: The container also uses Monit to ensure that long running processes are monitored under process management. For example, Monit will make sure crond is running in the background and will restart it if it crashed. You can extend Monit to monitor folders, check for file sizes and many other.
  • Configuration: Configuration can be stored and managed outside the container. Configurations can also be inserted at runtime manually or via a controller script/app
  • Runtime: You can run a collection of containers running independent tasks via config files. This means you can wrap the Docker service with other apps like bash, python and so forth on your host
  • Deployment: You can setup things like Amazon Lambda and ECS tasks to control the runtime tasks. Configurations can be encrypted and stored in a service like AWS KMS. Configuration attributes can then be provided by an end user via a front-end web app. For example, you can have a form that collects all the S3 or Google OAuth tokens. A front end is not include :)
  • Notifications: You can uses services like cronalarm, Cronitor.io, healthchecks.io...to set status and alerts. Notifications via Slack, Hipchat... are also possible, but not enabled.
  • Folder Size Monitoring: Local source folders can be monitored. If the size of the contents in the source folder exceed a value you set an rclone copy operation will occur


  • MD5/SHA1 hashes checked at all times for file integrity
  • Timestamps preserved on files
  • Partial syncs supported on a whole file basis
  • Copy mode to just copy new/changed files
  • Sync (one way) mode to make a directory identical
  • Check mode to check for file hash equality
  • Can sync to and from network, eg two different cloud accounts
  • Optional encryption (Crypt)
  • Optional FUSE mount (rclone mount)
  • Optional database loading

Supported Services

What services are supported?

  • Google drive
  • Amazon S3
  • Swift / Rackspace Cloudfiles / Memset Memstore
  • Dropbox
  • Google Cloud Storage
  • Local filesystem
  • Amazon Drive
  • Backblaze B2
  • Hubic
  • Microsoft OneDrive
  • Yandex Disk
  • SFTP

For the items in bold there are sample commands and configurations in the readme.

Getting Started

First, pull the latest docker image:

docker pull openbridge/ob_bulkstash

This will pull the latest version by default. However, as part of the hooks/build process we publish a number of older versions of rclone. If you want to see the available versions, check out Docker Hub openbridge/ob_bulkstash. For example, if you wanted to run version 1.48, then pull that version like this:

docker pull openbridge/ob_bulkstash:1.48.0

Additional pre-built versions are tagged and available for use: https://hub.docker.com/r/openbridge/ob_bulkstash/tags/

If you want to build your own image, you need to pass the version you want to use:

docker build --build-arg RCLONE_VERSION=1.48.0 -t openbridge/ob_bulkstash:1.48 .
docker build --build-arg RCLONE_VERSION=1.48.0 -t openbridge/ob_bulkstash:latest .

You may also pass a different architecture: --build-arg RCLONE_TYPE=arm

Got your version setup? Great. Next, we need to define a configuration for remote storage locations. The following demonstrates how to sync Amazon and Google cloud storages.

Testing Your Build

The validate that your build worked correctly, you can run a simple check which will have rclone echo the version back to you.

If you run this docker run openbridge/ob_bulkstash rclone -V you should see the version displayed like this:

rclone v1.47.0
- os/arch: linux/amd64
- go version: go1.12.4

If you see this, success! Your image is ready to go!

Amazon and Google Examples

In our example we have a source of files at Amazon S3 and destination for those files at Google Cloud Storage location. This means we will need to set the configuration ENV variables for source and destination.

Amazon S3

Here is an Amazon Simple Storage Service (aka "S3") config:

RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_ACCESS_KEY_ID=enter your access key

The first thing is to define the type as s3: RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_TYPE=s3

Next, you need to provide credentials to access (pull data from or copy data to) S3: RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_ACCESS_KEY_ID=enter your access key and RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=enter your secret key

You will want to set the encryption for the data you send to S3: RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION=AES256

You can also set your storage class in the event you want to use lower cost options: RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3_STORAGE_CLASS=REDUCED_REDUNDANCY. Set this to your preference.


Like S3 we can use Google Cloud Storage as a remote location.

RCLONE_CONFIG_MYGS_TYPE=google cloud storage

The first step is to set the type for Google: RCLONE_CONFIG_MYGS_TYPE=google cloud storage

Next, make sure you set your credentials like you did for S3: RCLONE_CONFIG_MYGS_CLIENT_ID=enter your client key and RCLONE_CONFIG_MYGS_CLIENT_SECRET=enter your secret key

The project number is only needed only for list/create/delete buckets: RCLONE_CONFIG_MYGS_PROJECT_NUMBER=foo-mighty-139217

If you are using a Google Account Credentials JSON file you would leave the client ID and secret blank and enter the path to your file: RCLONE_CONFIG_MYGS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE=/auth.json

You will need to make sure that the volume that contains the auth file is mounted and the path is passed via RCLONE_CONFIG_MYGS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_FILE.

Thats it! You defined two remote locations, one for Amazon and one for Google. You can start to transfer files.

How To Run

With your config setup, now you can run rclone!

This is an example Docker RUN command

docker run openbridge/ob_bulkstash \
  --env-file env/sample.env \
  rclone copy MYS3:myawsbucket/path/to/file/ MYGS:mygooglebucket/path/to/files/

Check out the docker run docs for the latest syntax.

Lastly, you can use Docker Compose:

docker-compose up -d


/usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f prod.yml up -d --remove-orphans

Note: You will need to put the appropriate command in the compose YAML file you want docker rclone to run.

Examples Running Docker On Your Host

These are a couple of simple examples around wrapping the Docker image with Bash on your host.

Run multiple config files

This example will go through all the env files and run the image with a COPY command:

for i in ./env/*.env; do
docker run -v /my/volume:/data -it --env-file ${i} openbridge/ob_bulkstash rclone copy MYS3:myawsbucket/path/to/file/ MYGS:mygooglebucket/path/to/files/

Earlier we showed a simple rclone command to echo the version number:

docker run openbridge/ob_bulkstash rclone -V

Using the Google AUTH file

Here is an example that mounts the Google auth file needed for service level accounts:

for i in ./env/prod/*.env; do
  echo "working on $i"
  bash -c "docker run -it -v /auth/prod/auth.json:/auth.json --env-file ${i} openbridge/ob_bulkstash rclone copy MYS3:myawsbucket/path/to/file/ MYGS:mygooglebucket/path/to/files/"
  if [[ $? = 0 ]]; then echo "OK: "; else echo "ERROR: "; fi

Using crond Inside Docker

If you want to persist your container you can set it up to always be running with crond as a background process. While most everything is automated there are a few configuration items you need to set.

IMPORTANT: This assumes you have a basic understanding of Docker and background processes. If you do not know what --detach , -d means then please review the Docker docs about running in detached mode (hint: this is how you run things in the background)

Runtime Environment

Depending on your use of CROND, it may not have access to the OS defined ENV variables. As a convenience, the image will output these to a file:

printenv | sed 's/^\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)=\(.*\)$/export \1="\2"/g' | grep -E "^export RCLONE" > /cron/rclone.env

If needed, you can then import these variables into any scripts that you want to run in the container such as using something like source /cron/rclone.env.

Option 1: Bring Your Own Crontab Configuration

Step 1: Setup your crontab.conf config

Running crond requires a proper configuration file. You can easily add a crontab config file and have the container use it. A crontab.conf should look something like this:

*/15 * * * * /usr/bin/env bash -c /rclone.sh run 2>&1

There is a sample of this in cron/crontab.conf. You can use this as a starting point for your own config. Once you have your config ready, we can move to Step 2.

Step 2: Mount your crontab.conf config

Next, you will want to mount your config file. The config is on your host, not in the container. To get it into your container you need to mount it from your host into the container.

The basic template is this:

-v /path/to/the/file/on/your/host/crontab.conf:/where/we/mount/in/container/crontab.conf

This example shows the mount your config in docker compose format:

  - /Github/ob_bulkstash/cron/crontab.conf:/cron/crontab.conf

It will look the same if you are doing it via Docker run:

-v /Github/ob_bulkstash/cron/crontab.conf:/cron/crontab.conf

In those examples, the crontab.conf located in my local GitHub folder will get mounted inside the container at /cron/crontab.conf

Mounting your config makes it available to the startup service within your container. If you are unfamiliar with -v or volumes, check the docs from Docker.

Step 3: Set environment variable RCLONE_CRONFILE

In your ENV make sure to set the path to the location you are mounting your crontab.conf file. In our example above we are using /cron/crontab.conf. This means you set the ENV path like this:


This is the location in your container, not the host

Option 2: Automatic Generation RCLONE_CRONFILE

You can let the image generate and run a command for you under CROND. This is geared to running a single CROND task. If you want to run multiple tasks, it is best to choose Option 1 which allows you more control over the number of tasks run.

Setting your CROND command

In your ENV, you need to set the desired command via RCLONE_SYNC_COMMAND. Here is an example command:

docker run -d -e RCLONE_SYNC_COMMAND="*/15 * * * * /usr/bin/env bash -c /foo run" openbridge/ob_bulkstash crond -f

This will result in your container running in the detached mode (in the background) with a CROND entry like this:

*/15 * * * * /usr/bin/env bash -c /foo run

This is just an example command, it will likely vary according to what you are looking too run.

IMPORTANT crontab.conf NOTE

Please note that if you set your own crontab config file via RCLONE_CRONFILE=/cron/crontab.conf it will take precedent over anything you pass via -e or set other environment variables.

Understanding How To Run Docker and CROND

Here are a few examples of running Docker and CROND in the background. You can accomplish the same using docker-compose

Running in detached mode:

docker run -d -e RCLONE_SYNC_COMMAND="*/15 * * * * /usr/bin/env bash -c /foo run" openbridge/ob_bulkstash crond -f

You can see the process running in the background:

 31     0 root     R     1528   0%   3   0% top
  1     0 root     S     1516   0%   1   0% crond -f

Running in detached mode using the rcron.sh helper script. This will use Monit has the background process monitor to make sure CROND is always running:

docker run -d -e RCLONE_SYNC_COMMAND="*/15 * * * * /usr/bin/env bash -c /foo run" openbridge/ob_bulkstash rcron start

You can see the process running in the background:

 21     1 root     S     4788   0%   2   0% monit -Iv -c /etc/monitrc -l /dev/null
  1     0 root     S     2172   0%   3   0% bash /usr/bin/rcron start
 23     0 root     R     1524   0%   2   0% top
 20     1 root     S     1516   0%   0   0% crond -b

Here is another example running Monit as the controlling process:

docker run -d -e RCLONE_SYNC_COMMAND="*/15 * * * * /usr/bin/env bash -c /foo" openbridge/ob_bulkstash monit -Iv -c /etc/monitrc -l /dev/null

You can see the process running in the background:

  1     0 root     S     4788   0%   2   0% monit -Iv -c /etc/monitrc -l /dev/null
 22     0 root     R     1528   0%   1   0% top
 21     1 root     S     1516   0%   3   0% crond -b

Hopefully you get the point on how to do this. You have options, just make sure you understand the basics on how to run Docker in various contexts.

Creating Your Own Scripts: The /rclone.sh Example

Included in the image is a utility script. You can use this as a robust example for creating your own. It highlights the potential to mount scripts like this into your container to run different types of operations.

Note: rclone.sh is provided as-is and has not been fully tested. Think of it as a proof-of-concept, not something you should blindly use.


The script shows an example of how to run rclone copy and rclone move. It will also has a foldersize check in the event you want to trigger a rclone move. How is this helpful? If your disk is getting full this can trigger what amounts to be a cleanup task.

Getting Started with /rclone.sh

While the image contains rclone.sh, you will likely want to mount your own version of the script. For example;

-v /path/to/the/file/on/your/host/script.sh:/path/in/container/script.sh

Also, you need to make sure the image can use /rclone.sh. This means you need to make sure any required environment variables are set correctly. For example, in your ENV, you need to set the following for rclone.sh:

  • RCLONE_CROND_SCHEDULE crontab schedule * * * * * to perform sync every midnight
  • RCLONE_CROND_SOURCE_PATH source location for rclone copy command
  • RCLONE_CROND_DESTINATION_PATH destination location for rclone copy command

Setting Source and Destination

In your environment file you need to make sure your source and destination remotes are set. You need to put the full statement (remote names, buckets, paths...) for the source and destination for each variable.


This will ensure that rclone knows where to look for the files and where you want them delivered.

This is what it would look like in your config:


Optional Settings

Health check service

RCLONE_CROND_HEALTHCHECK_URL If you want to use a cron healthcheck service, set the environment variable:

  • RCLONE_CROND_HEALTHCHECK_URL used for health check services to ping status like cronalarm, Cronitor.io, healthchecks.io...

This is what it would look like in your config:


How to monitor the size of your source directory

You can use a foldersize check to monitor your source path. To do this set the environment variable RCLONE_CROND_SOURCE_SIZE to a number in megabytes. For example, if you want to monitor your source path for 1 GB of files, you would set RCLONE_CROND_SOURCE_SIZE=1000. The 1000 megabytes = 1 GB.


Setting Up SFTP Remotes

You can setup SFTP remotes. This allows you to upload or download files from an SFTP server. You can also do server to server transfers between two remotes.

Lastly, if you want to pipeline data to Redshift, BigQuery, Athena or Spectrum via rclone take a look at the following batch data pipeline workflow:

If you have any questions about how to pipeline data to a warehouse let me know.

Sample config

  • RCLONE_CONFIG_MYSFTP_HOST=pipeline.openbridge.io
  • RCLONE_CONFIG_MYSFTP_PASS=34232424234234234

Here is a sample command that copies data from a remote SFTP server locally with a 60s timeout: rclone copy sftp:/folder /tmp --contimeout 60s

Sample Commands

Here are a few sample commands you can use use for testing or general usage

List Remote Directories

List a remote drive like this: rclone lsd {remote name}: Note: The command has : at the after the remote. If you do not include : things wont work

Replace {remote name} with your actual remote name. Using our Amazon example it would look like this rclone lsd MYS3:

Using Docker this is a possible way to run the command:

docker run -env-file /env/my.env openbridge/ob_bulkstash rclone lsd MYS3:

This will output your remote buckets like this:

          -1 2017-04-11 16:38:05        -1 athena-lambda
          -1 2016-12-04 14:32:54        -1 aws-athena-query
          -1 2016-12-17 14:19:23        -1 aws-logs
          -1 2015-03-31 21:48:40        -1 cf-templates
          -1 2016-11-17 15:56:56        -1 chat000
          -1 2016-10-06 17:09:10        -1 chat001
          -1 2016-10-24 05:28:09        -1 chat002
          -1 2014-02-11 14:55:25        -1 prod001
          -1 2014-02-11 14:55:43        -1 prod002
          -1 2016-06-05 21:59:28        -1 temp002

List Remote Files

List remote files of a certain type: rclone --include "*.jpg" ls {remote name}:{aws bucket name}/{folder}

Using our AWS remote: rclone --include "*.jpg" ls MYS3:mybucket/files

Make Remote Location (Bucket)

Make a new bucket sample: rclone mkdir {remote name}:{aws bucket name}

Using our AWS remote: rclone mkdir MYS3:mynewbucket


Sync file sample: rclone sync /home/local/directory {remote name}:{aws bucket name}/{folder}

Using our AWS remote: rclone sync /tmp MYS3:mynewbucket/temp [--drive-use-trash]


The basic structure of the rclone command looks like this for COPY:

rclone copy {{source_config}}:{{bucket}}/{{path/to/file/}} {{dest_config}}:{{bucket}}/{{path/to/file/}}

You assign your source and destinations according to your configs. For example, in this case we have MYS3 and MYGS where we assing one as the source and the other as the destination:

rclone copy MYS3:myawsbucket/path/to/file/ MYGS:mygooglebucket/path/to/files/

Why Use ENV variables?

This docker image uses rclone and is focused on separating configuration from the runtime. This does not preclude using a traditional config file. Feel free to go down that path if it makes sense to you. The image would support it.

Config Syntax

  • Each config statement has RCLONE_. It is the prefix for each variable.
  • In each variable you define the name you block by setting RCLONE_CONFIG_{{NAME}}_. In our S3 example we use RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3 for Amazon and RCLONE_CONFIG_MYGS for Google.
  • The last part is the formal configuration attribute. For example, TYPE, ACCESS_KEY_ID or SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION are standard config elements for s3 rclone. Normally be prefixed like this: --type
  • You need to make sure {{NAME}} is unique to avoid any collisions in your configs. For example, you cant have multiple RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3 statements. If you have multiple S3 locations do something like RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3-01, RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3-02 and RCLONE_CONFIG_MYS3-03

Using Docker Secrets

Environment variables can be formed to point at the content of Docker secrets files, so as to avoid giving away sensitive information. Any environment variable which value looks like the following DOCKER-SECRET::<path> (note the leading DOCKER-SECRET keyword and the double colon ::) will be replaced by the content of the file at <path> if it exists. Relative paths are automatically resolved to /run/secrets (the default path for Docker secrets), but absolute paths can also be used.

Performance Tips

These tips come from http://moo.nac.uci.edu/~hjm/HOWTO-rclone-to-Gdrive.html

To obtain good transfer rates, you have to increase the number and size of files you transfer at one time, as well as the number of simultaneous streams and the checkers. So, for rclone to transfer files efficiently, there has to be a large payload per transfer and a number of simultaneous streams. It works best if there are large, identically sized files, but regardless, larger files are better, because of the initiation overhead.

rclone --transfers=32 --checkers=16 --drive-chunk-size=16384k \ --drive-upload-cutoff=16384k copy /my/folder MYGS:mybucket/myfiles

Copy files from remote location locally:

rclone --transfers=12 copy MYGS:mybucket/myfiles /my/local/dir


Docker Tag Git Hub Release rclone Alpine Version
latest* develop latest 3.12.x

Additional versions are tagged and available for use: https://hub.docker.com/r/openbridge/ob_bulkstash/tags/


For more examples on configuration and rclone commands please refer to the docs: https://rclone.org/docs/

This images is using Docker. If you don't know what Docker is read "What is Docker?". Once you have a sense of what Docker is, you can then install the software. It is free: "Get Docker". Select the Docker package that aligns with your environment (ie. OS X, Linux or Windows). If you have not used Docker before, take a look at the guides:


If you have any problems with or questions about this docker rclone image, please contact us through a GitHub issue.


You are invited to contribute new features, fixes, or updates, large or small; we are always thrilled to receive pull requests, and do our best to process them as fast as we can.

Before you start to code, we recommend discussing your plans through a GitHub issue, especially for more ambitious contributions. This gives other contributors a chance to point you in the right direction, give you feedback on your design, and help you find out if someone else is working on the same thing.


This project is licensed under the MIT License


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