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Noto fonts, except for CJK and emojinoto-source
Noto fonts support tools and scripts plus web site
Distribution site for Noto fontsnoto-docs
Official Noto documentationnoto-fonts-alpha
Alpha versions of Noto fontslatin-greek-cyrillic
Noto Latin, Greek, Cyrillicsymbols
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Python module for building Noto fontsjavanese
Noto Javanesenoto-build
Scripts, data and libraries to work with Noto fonts and sourcesget-noto
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Noto Malayalamnewa
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Noto NastaliqNotoTraditionalNushu
Source of the NotoTraditionalNushu typefaceNotoSerifTangut
NotoSerifTangut sources, tests and development fontssample-texts
A collection of sample texts, aspiring to cover all languages supported by Noto fontsethiopic
Noto Ethiopictamil
Noto TamilNoto-LatinGreekCyrillic
Latin, Greek and Cyrillic Noto fontsznammeny
Noto Znammeny Musical Notationinscriptional-pahlavi
Noto Inscriptional Pahlaviold-persian
Noto Old Persianoverview
An overview of the Noto projectavestan
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Sources of the NotoSans typeface.rejang
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