PowerShelf - PowerShell Scripts
PowerShell tools for various tasks implemented as scripts, mostly standalone.
Script List
- Add-Debugger.ps1 - Adds a script debugger to PowerShell.
- Add-Path.ps1 - Adds a directory to an environment path variable.
- Assert-SameFile.ps1 - Compares the sample and result files.
- Debug-Error.ps1 - Enables debugging on terminating errors.
- Expand-Diff.ps1 - Expands git diff into directories "a" and "b".
- Export-Binary.ps1 - Exports objects using binary serialization.
- Format-Chart.ps1 - Formats output as a table with the last chart column.
- Format-High.ps1 - Formats output by columns with optional custom item colors.
- Import-Binary.ps1 - Imports objects using binary serialization.
- Invoke-Environment.ps1 - Invokes a command and imports its environment variables.
- Invoke-Ngen.ps1 - Invokes the Native Image Generator tool (ngen.exe).
- Invoke-PowerShell.ps1 - Invokes PowerShell of the currently running version.
- Measure-Command2.ps1 - Measure-Command with several iterations and progress.
- Measure-Property.ps1 - Counts properties grouped by names and types.
- Save-NuGetTool.ps1 - Downloads a NuGet package and extracts /tools.
- Set-ConsoleSize.ps1 - Sets the current console size, interactively by default.
- Set-Env.ArgumentCompleters.ps1 - Completes Set-Env.ps1 -Name .
- Set-Env.ps1 - Sets or removes environment variables (Windows User/Machine).
- Show-Color.ps1 - Shows all color combinations, color names and codes.
- Show-Coverage.ps1 - Converts to HTML and shows script coverage data.
- Show-SolutionDgml.ps1 - Generates and shows the solution project graph.
- Submit-Gist.ps1 - Submits a file to its GitHub gist repository.
- Sync-Directory.ps1 - Syncs two directories with some interaction.
- Test-Debugger.ps1 - Tests PowerShell debugging with breakpoints.
- Trace-Debugger.ps1 - Provides script tracing and coverage data collection.
- Update-Gist.ps1 - Updates or creates a gist file using Invoke-RestMethod.
- Update-ReadmeIndex.ps1 - Updates README index from content directories.
- Watch-Command.ps1 - Invokes a command repeatedly and shows its one screen output.
- Watch-Directory.ps1 - File change watcher and handler.
Get Scripts
The scripts are published as the NuGet package PowerShelf.
Download by NuGet tools or directly.
Save as .zip
and unzip. Use the package subdirectory tools
Or, using downloaded on the fly Save-NuGetTool.ps1
download and unzip:
Invoke-Expression "& {$((New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nightroman/PowerShelf/main/Save-NuGetTool.ps1'))} PowerShelf"