Vim RuboCop
The Vim RuboCop plugin runs RuboCop and displays the results in Vim.
Please note that the current version of the Vim RuboCop plugin requires RuboCop 0.12.0 or later.
Obtain a copy of this plugin and place rubocop.vim
in your Vim plugin directory.
You can use the :RuboCop
command to run RuboCop and display the results.
You can also use the :RuboCop
command together with options. For example, :RuboCop -l
, :RuboCop -a
and so on.
Configuration File
To run with the specified configuration file, add the following line to your .vimrc
let g:vimrubocop_config = '/path/to/rubocop.yml'
Keyboard Shortcuts
Credit for Shortcuts: Ack.vim
In the quickfix window, you can use:
o to open (same as enter)
go to preview file (open but maintain focus on ack.vim results)
t to open in new tab
T to open in new tab silently
h to open in horizontal split
H to open in horizontal split silently
v to open in vertical split
gv to open in vertical split silently
q to close the quickfix window
Additionally, the plugin registers <Leader>ru
in normal mode
for triggering it easily. You can disable these default mappings by setting
in your .vimrc
file, and then remap them differently.
For instance, to trigger RuboCop by pressing <Leader>r
you can put the following in
your .vimrc
let g:vimrubocop_keymap = 0
nmap <Leader>r :RuboCop<CR>
The Vim RuboCop plugin is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.