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Collection of PHP Functions

Recipe 📖

Collection of PHP Functions


Table of Contents

Quick Start

Run in your terminal:

composer require ngfw/recipe

Create new file and start using the Recipes


require "vendor/autoload.php";

use ngfw\Recipe as Recipe;

$suggestion = Recipe::getKeywordSuggestionsFromGoogle("home");

//    [0] => home depot
//    [1] => home goods
//    [2] => home depot near me
//    [3] => homes for sale
//    [4] => homeaway
//    [5] => homes for rent
//    [6] => home advisor
//    [7] => home depot credit card
//    [8] => home depot coupons
//    [9] => homeland


Getting remote website Favicon:

$favIcon = Recipe::getFavicon("http://youtube.com/");

echo $favIcon;
// outputs: <img src="https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=youtube.com/"  />

Getting remote website Favicon with HTML attributes:

$favIcon = Recipe::getFavicon(
            "class" => "favImg"
echo $favIcon;
//outputs: <img src="https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=youtube.com/" class="favImg" />


Generating QR code

$QRcode = Recipe::getQRcode("ngfw Recipe");
echo $QRcode;  
//outputs: <img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=150x150&cht=qr&chl=ngfw+Recipe"  />

Generating QR code and adding HTML attributes:

$QRcode = Recipe::getQRcode(
    "ngfw Recipe",
    $width = 350,
    $height = 350,
    $attributes = array(
        "class" => "QRCode"
echo $QRcode;  
// outputs: <img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=350x350&cht=qr&chl=ngfw+Recipe" class="QRCode" />

File extension

$ext = Recipe::getFileExtension(__FILE__); // replace '__FILE__' with your filename
echo $ext;
//outputs: php


Getting Gravatar:

$Gravatar = Recipe::getGravatar("[email protected]");
echo $Gravatar;
// outputs: <img src="http://www.gravatar.com/avatar.php?gravatar_id=9d9d478c3b65d4046a84cf84b4c8bf46&default=mm&size=80&rating=g" width="80px" height="80px"  />


Getting Gravatar with HTML attributes:

$Gravatar = Recipe::getGravatar(
    "[email protected]",
    $size = 200,
    $default = 'monsterid',
    $rating = 'x',
    $attributes = array(
        "class" => "Gravatar"
echo $Gravatar;
//Outputs: <img src="http://www.gravatar.com/avatar.php?gravatar_id=9d9d478c3b65d4046a84cf84b4c8bf46&default=monsterid&size=200&rating=x" width="200px" height="200px" class="Gravatar" />'

NG Gravatar

Creating Link Tags

Simple Link:

$linkTags = Recipe::createLinkTag("google.com");
echo $linkTags;   
//outputs: <a href="google.com">google.com</a>

Link with title:

$linkTags = Recipe::createLinkTag("google.com", "Visit Google");
echo $linkTags;   
//outputs: <a href="google.com" title="Visit Google" >Visit Google</a>

Link with title and HTML attributes:

$linkTags = Recipe::createLinkTag("google.com", "Visit Google", array(
    "class" => "outgoingLink"
echo $linkTags;   
//outputs: <a href="google.com" title="Visit Google" class="outgoingLink">Visit Google</a>

Validate email address

$isValid = Recipe::validateEmail("[email protected]");
// outputs: true (bool)

Check for temporary Email addresses:

$isValid = Recipe::validateEmail('[email protected]', $tempEmailAllowed = false);
// outputs: false (bool)

Validate URL

$isValid = Recipe::validateURL("http://github.com/");
// outputs: true (bool)

RSS Reader

$rssArray = Recipe::rssReader("https://github.com/ngfw/Recipe/commits/master.atom");
// Outputs feed as an array

Object to Array

$obj = new stdClass;
$obj->foo = 'bar';
$obj->baz = 'qux';
$array = Recipe::objectToArray($obj);

// outputs:
// array(2) {
//   ["foo"]=>
//   string(3) "bar"
//   ["baz"]=>
//   string(3) "qux"
// }

Array to Object

$array = array(
    "foo" => "bar",
    "baz" => "qux",
$obj = Recipe::arrayToObject($array);
// outputs:
// object(stdClass)#15 (2) {
//   ["foo"]=>
//   string(3) "bar"
//   ["baz"]=>
//   string(3) "qux"
// }

Array to String

$array = array(
    "foo" => "bar",
    "baz" => "qux",
$string = Recipe::arrayToString($array);
echo $string;
// outputs: foo="bar" baz="qux"


$rgb = Recipe::hex2rgb("#FFF");
echo $rgb;
// outputs: rgb(255, 255, 255)


$hex = Recipe::rgb2hex("rgb(123,123,123)");
// outputs: #7b7b7b

Color Name to HEX

$hex = Recipe::colorNameToHex('red');
// outputs: #FF0000

Generate Random Password

$randomPass = Recipe::generateRandomPassword(10);
echo $randomPass;
// outputs: 10 random character string

Simple Encode

$encodedString = Recipe::simpleEncode("php recipe");
echo $encodedString;
// outputs: qcnVhqjKxpuilw==

Simple Decode

$decodedString = Recipe::simpleDecode("qcnVhqjKxpuilw==");
echo $decodedString;
// outputs: php recipe

Generate Server Specific Hash

$serverHash = Recipe::generateServerSpecificHash();
echo $serverHash;
// outputs: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e

Detect HTTPS

This method checks for $_SERVER['HTTPS']

$isHttps = Recipe::isHttps();
// outputs: bool

Detect AJAX

This method checks for $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH']

$isAjax = Recipe::isAjax();
// outputs: bool

Check if number is odd

$isNumberOdd = Recipe::isNumberOdd(5);
// outputs: bool

Check if number is even

$isNumberEven = Recipe::isNumberEven(8);
// outputs: bool

Get Current URL

$currentURL = Recipe::getCurrentURL();
// outputs: current Request URL

Get Client IP

$ClientsIP = Recipe::getClientIP();
echo $ClientsIP;
// Return Proxy IP if user is behind it
//$ClientsIP = Recipe::getClientIP("HTTP_CLIENT_IP"); //'HTTP_CLIENT_IP', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED', ...
// outputs: IP address

Detect Mobile

$isMobile = Recipe::isMobile();
// outputs: true or false

Get Browser

$Browser = Recipe::getBrowser();
echo $Browser
// outputs: Browser Details

Get Client Location

$user_location = Recipe::getClientLocation();
echo $user_location;
// outputs: Users Location

Number To Word conversion

$number = "864210";
$number_in_words = Recipe::numberToWord($number);
echo $number_in_words;
// outputs: eight hundred and sixty-four thousand, two hundred and ten

Seconds To Text

$seconds = "864210";
$number_in_words = Recipe::secondsToText($seconds);
echo $number_in_words;
// outputs: 1 hour and 10 seconds
// Recipe::secondsToText($seconds, $returnAsWords = true);
// will return: one hour and ten seconds

Minutes To Text

$minutes  = 60 * 24 * 2;
$duration = Recipe::minutesToText($minutes);
echo $duration;
// outputs: 2 days
// Recipe::minutesToText($minutes, $returnAsWords = true);
// will return: two days

Hours To Text

$hours    = 4.2;
$duration = Recipe::hoursToText($hours);
echo $duration;
// outputs: 4 hours and 12 minutes
// Recipe::hoursToText($hours, $returnAsWords = true);
// will return: four hours and twelve minutes

Shorten String

$string        = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
$shortenString = Recipe::shortenString($string, 20);
// output: The quick brown f...
// Recipe::shortenString($string, 20, $addEllipsis = false);
// output: "The quick brown fox ", NOTE last space
// Recipe::shortenString($string, 20, $addEllipsis = false, $wordsafe = true);
// output: "The quick brown fox", NOTE, will not break in the middle of the word


Simple GET example:

$data = Recipe::curl("https://api.ipify.org");
// outputs: Curl'ed Data

POST Example:

$CurlPOST = Recipe::curl("http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts", $method = "POST", $data = array(
    "title"  => 'foo',
    "body"   => 'bar',
    "userId" => 1,

Custom Headers:

$curlWithHeaders = Recipe::curl("http://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts", $method = "GET", $data = false, $header = array(
    "Accept" => "application/json",
), $returnInfo = true);
// NOTE $returnInfo argument
// Result will be returned as an array, $curlWithHeaders={
//  info => containing curl information, see curl_getinfo()
//  contents  => Data from URL

Basic authentication with CURL:

$curlBasicAuth = Recipe::curl(
    $method = "GET",
    $data = false,
    $header = false,
    $returnInfo = false,
    $auth = array(
       'username' => 'your_login',
       'password' => 'your_password',

Expand Short URL

$shortURL = "https://goo.gl/rvDnMX";
$expandedURL = Recipe::expandShortUrl($shortURL);
echo $expendedURL;
// outputs: https://github.com/ngfw/Recipe

Get Alexa Rank

$AlexaRank = Recipe::getAlexaRank("github.com");
echo $AlexaRank;
// outputs: Current alexa ranking as position number (example: 52)

Shorten URL

$TinyUrl = Recipe::getTinyUrl("https://github.com/ngfw/Recipe");
echo $TinyUrl;
// outputs: http://tinyurl.com/h2nchjh

Get Keyword Suggestions From Google

$suggestions = Recipe::getKeywordSuggestionsFromGoogle("Tbilisi, Georgia");
// outputs:
//array(10) {
//  [0]=>
//  string(15) "tbilisi georgia"
//  [1]=>
//  string(22) "tbilisi georgia hotels"
//  [2]=>
//  string(19) "tbilisi georgia map"
//  [3]=>
//  string(20) "tbilisi georgia time"
//  [4]=>
//  string(23) "tbilisi georgia airport"
//  [5]=>
//  string(23) "tbilisi georgia weather"
//  [6]=>
//  string(24) "tbilisi georgia language"
//  [7]=>
//  string(24) "tbilisi georgia zip code"
//  [8]=>
//  string(20) "tbilisi georgia news"
//  [9]=>
//  string(28) "tbilisi georgia airport code"

WIKI Search

$wiki = Recipe::wikiSearch("Tbilisi");
// outputs: data from wikipedia


$notification = Recipe::notification("Test Successful");
echo $notification;
// outputs: <div style="display: block;padding: 0.5em;border: solid 1px;border-radius: 0.125em;margin-bottom: 1em; border-color: #a6d9f2;color: #0a5276;background-color: #e7f6fd;"  role="alert">Test Successful</div>
// NOTE: possible notifications types: success, warning, error and info
// Type is passed as a second parameter

Auto Embed

$string = "Checkout Solomun, Boiler Room at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bk6Xst6euQk";
echo Recipe::autoEmbed($string);
// outputs:
// Checkout Solomun, Boiler Room at<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/bk6Xst6euQk?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
// supported providers are: youtube.com, blip.tv, vimeo.com, dailymotion.com, flickr.com, smugmug.com, hulu.com, revision3.com, wordpress.tv, funnyordie.com, soundcloud.com, slideshare.net and instagram.com

Make Clickable Links

$string = "Check PHP Recipes on https://github.com/ngfw/Recipe";
$clickable = Recipe::makeClickableLinks($string);
echo $clickable;
// outputs:
// Check PHP Recipes on <a href="https://github.com/ngfw/Recipe" >https://github.com/ngfw/Recipe</a>


var_dump() alternative

$string = "Test me";

Get Referer

Get the referer page (last page visited)

$referrer = Recipe::getReferer();
echo $referer ;
// outputs an url (http://mywebsite.com/page1)


    echo Recipe::ordinal($i);
    echo ' '; 
// outputs 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th

Number Of Days In Month

$numDays = Recipe::numberOfDaysInMonth(2, 2012);
echo $numDays;
// outputs: 29

Compress Page

The compressPage() method will register new function on PHP shutdown, remove white space from output and try to gZip it.

require "vendor/autoload.php";
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">

<title>HTML Page Title</title>

<meta name="description" content="">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

    Hello Friend,

will output:

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>HTML Page Title</title><meta name="description" content=""><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"></head><body> Hello Friend,</body></html>


Recipe::pr( array("he","ll","oo") );

will output:

    [0] => he
    [1] => ll
    [2] => oo

Bytes To Human Readable Size

Recipe::bytesToHumanReadableSize( "17179869184" );

will output:

16 GB