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  • Rank 205,002 (Top 5 %)
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  • Created over 12 years ago
  • Updated almost 8 years ago


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Repository Details

public "forum" for xCon requests


Beta Repo http://xcon.crazy.net

For Previous Versions You can download them at https://goo.gl/UKWXQr

It has been brought to my attention that there is a "V41" floating around. There is no V41. DO NOT TRUST IT unless you either get it from here or if it's from the offical repo. Because of this I have skipped the Versioning number to V42 for the iOS 9 release.

Before opening an issue PLEASE search the open issues to make sure there is already a thread going on it.

Please STOP opening new tickets. Refer to the following issues.

Good For Enterprise - #32
SkyGo - #55

Also please check the ChangeLog listed below to see what we are currently working on.

V40 - https://github.com/n00neimp0rtant/xCon-Issues/wiki/V40-Change-Log

V42 -
Beta 1 https://db.tt/oRL6PrFI - iOS9 Support. By Request Readded Good 1.9.X Support back in.