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Repository Details

nvim-dap adapter for vscode-js-debug


nvim-dap adapter for vscode-js-debug.


Every platform supported by vscode is provided. This includes:

Adapter Platform Support
pwa-node Node.js Full
pwa-chrome Chrome Partial1
pwa-msedge Edge Untested
node-terminal Node.js Untested
pwa-extensionHost VSCode Extensions Untested



Supports packer, vim-plug, etc. With packer, for example:

use { "mxsdev/nvim-dap-vscode-js", requires = {"mfussenegger/nvim-dap"} }


You must download and build a copy of vscode-js-debug in order to use this plugin.

With Packer

use {
  opt = true,
  run = "npm install --legacy-peer-deps && npx gulp vsDebugServerBundle && mv dist out" 


git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-js-debug
cd vscode-js-debug
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
npx gulp vsDebugServerBundle
mv dist out

Note: The upstream build process has changed sometime since the creation of this repo. If the above scripts don't work, please make sure you're using the latest version of vscode-js-debug. Otherwise, feel free to file an issue!


  -- node_path = "node", -- Path of node executable. Defaults to $NODE_PATH, and then "node"
  -- debugger_path = "(runtimedir)/site/pack/packer/opt/vscode-js-debug", -- Path to vscode-js-debug installation.
  -- debugger_cmd = { "js-debug-adapter" }, -- Command to use to launch the debug server. Takes precedence over `node_path` and `debugger_path`.
  adapters = { 'pwa-node', 'pwa-chrome', 'pwa-msedge', 'node-terminal', 'pwa-extensionHost' }, -- which adapters to register in nvim-dap
  -- log_file_path = "(stdpath cache)/dap_vscode_js.log" -- Path for file logging
  -- log_file_level = false -- Logging level for output to file. Set to false to disable file logging.
  -- log_console_level = vim.log.levels.ERROR -- Logging level for output to console. Set to false to disable console output.

for _, language in ipairs({ "typescript", "javascript" }) do
  require("dap").configurations[language] = {
    ... -- see below

Note that if vscode-js-debug was installed without packer, its root folder location must be set manually in debugger_path.


See here for all custom configuration options.


    type = "pwa-node",
    request = "launch",
    name = "Launch file",
    program = "${file}",
    cwd = "${workspaceFolder}",
    type = "pwa-node",
    request = "attach",
    name = "Attach",
    processId = require'dap.utils'.pick_process,
    cwd = "${workspaceFolder}",


    type = "pwa-node",
    request = "launch",
    name = "Debug Jest Tests",
    -- trace = true, -- include debugger info
    runtimeExecutable = "node",
    runtimeArgs = {
    rootPath = "${workspaceFolder}",
    cwd = "${workspaceFolder}",
    console = "integratedTerminal",
    internalConsoleOptions = "neverOpen",

You may also want to check out neotest-jest, which supports this plugin out of the box.


    type = "pwa-node",
    request = "launch",
    name = "Debug Mocha Tests",
    -- trace = true, -- include debugger info
    runtimeExecutable = "node",
    runtimeArgs = {
    rootPath = "${workspaceFolder}",
    cwd = "${workspaceFolder}",
    console = "integratedTerminal",
    internalConsoleOptions = "neverOpen",

Planned Features

  • Integration with neotest-jest
  • Support for switching between child sessions


I would like to say a huge thank you to Jens Claes, whose dotfiles this plugin is based off of, and to all members who contributed to this issue - the insight gained from this was paramount to the success of this project.


  1. The debugger runs and attaches, however breakpoints may be rejected. ↩

  2. See here for more details on running jest ↩