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A durable job queuing and worker system for Clojure backed by PostgreSQL.


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A durable job queuing and worker system for Clojure backed by PostgreSQL.


Use Proletarian for asynchronously executing tasks in the background. It's useful for offloading long-running tasks from the request thread in user-facing web applications. What kind of tasks? Anything that uses external services, and anything that takes more than a few milliseconds:

  • sending emails
  • making HTTP calls to external systems
  • updating search indexes
  • batch imports and exports

If you're already using PostgreSQL as your main database, there is one very nice advantage to having your job queue in PostgreSQL as well:

Using a transaction, you can atomically commit changes to the database along with the queueing of the job. A common use-case for this is sending an email after some action in the web application, e.g., when a user creates an account you want to send them a confirmation email. You want the creation of the account, and the enqueuing of the email job to either succeed or fail together. This is sometimes called the Outbox Pattern in distributed computing literature.


Here is a basic example, showing the creation of a queue worker in one namespace, and the enqueuing of a job in another namespace:

(ns your-app.workers
  "You'll probably want to use a component state library (Component, Integrant,
   Mount, or some such) for managing the worker state. For this example we're
   just def-ing the worker. The queue worker constructor function takes
   a javax.sql.DataSource as its first argument. You probably already have a
   data-source at hand in your application already. Here we'll use next.jdbc to
   get one from a JDBC connection URL.
   The second argument is the job handler function. Proletarian will invoke 
   this whenever a job is ready for processing. It's a arity-2 function, with
   the job type (a keyword) as the first argument, and the job's payload as 
   the second argument."
  (:require [next.jdbc :as jdbc]
            [proletarian.worker :as worker]
            [your-app.handlers :as handlers]))

(def email-worker
  (let [ds (jdbc/get-datasource "jdbc:postgresql://...")]
    (worker/create-queue-worker ds handlers/handle-job!)))

(worker/start! email-worker)
(ns your-app.handlers
  "Let's say this is a namespace where you handle web requests. We're going to
   handle the request, write something to the database, and enqueue a job.
   We'll do this in a transaction with a little bit of help from next.jdbc."
  (:require [next.jdbc :as jdbc]
            [proletarian.job :as job]))

(defn some-route-handler [system request]
  (jdbc/with-transaction [tx (:db system)]
    ;; Do some business logic here
    ;; Write some result to the database
    ;; Enqueue the job:
    (job/enqueue! tx ::confirmation-email
      {:email email-address, :other-data-1 :foo, :other-data-2 :bar})
    ;; Return a response

(defmulti handle-job!
  "Since we passed this multimethod as the second argument to 
  worker/create-queue-worker, it is called by the Proletarian Queue Worker when
  a job is ready for execution. Implement this multimethod for your job types."
  (fn [job-type _payload] job-type))

;; Implement the handle-job! multimethod for the job type.
(defmethod handle-job! ::confirmation-email
  [job-type {:keys [email-address other-data-1 other-data-2]}]
  ;; Send the mail and do other time-consuming work here.


Proletarian does not depend on a logging framework, and has no opinions on how you should log in your application. The :proletarian/log option to create-queue-worker specifies a function that is called by the Queue Worker when anything interesting and log-worthy happens during operation. It takes two arguments: The first is a keyword identifying the event being logged. The second is a map with data describing the event.

If you do not specify a logging function, the default is simply a println-logger that will print every event using println.

There is no "severity" or "level" information included with the log events. Every application will have different requirements here. A sensible default might be something like this (using clojure.tools.logging):

(ns your-app.workers
  (:require [clojure.tools.logging :as log]
            [next.jdbc :as jdbc]
            [proletarian.worker :as worker]
            [your-app.handlers :as handlers]))

(defn log-level
  (case x
    ::worker/queue-worker-shutdown-error :error
    ::worker/handle-job-exception-with-interrupt :error
    ::worker/handle-job-exception :error
    ::worker/job-worker-error :error
    ::worker/polling-for-jobs :debug
    :proletarian.retry/not-retrying :error

(defn logger
  [x data]
  (log/logp (log-level x) x data))

(def worker
  (let [ds (jdbc/get-datasource "jdbc:postgresql://...")]
    (worker/create-queue-worker ds handlers/handle-job! {:proletarian/log logger})))


Add Proletarian to your deps.edn file:

msolli/proletarian {:mvn/version "1.0.41-alpha"}

Or to your project.clj for Leiningen:

[msolli/proletarian "1.0.41-alpha"]

Proletarian works with your existing PostgreSQL database. It uses the SKIP LOCKED feature that was introduced with PostgreSQL 9.5, so there's a hard requirement of at least version 9.5.

Proletarian works with any Clojure database library (next.jdbc, clojure.java.jdbc) you might be using, and does not itself depend on any such library.

You'll have to create two database tables, one for queueing jobs, and one for keeping a record of finished jobs. These are defined in database/tables.sql in this repository, along with a PostgreSQL schema to contain them, and an index. Before using the library, you must install these tables in your database. There are many ways you can do this. You are probably already using a migration library like Flyway or Migratus. Copy the contents of the database/tables.sql file into a migration file. You can change the PostgreSQL schema and table names, but then you'll need to provide the :proletarian/job-table and :proletarian/archived-job-table options to create-queue-worker and enqueue!.


This repository contains a few examples that demonstrates features and usage patterns. You can run these by cloning this repo, execute a script to set up an example Proletarian database, and then run the examples from your terminal. All the details are in the example docs:


Queue Worker

A queue worker is a process that works off a given named queue. It can have one or more worker threads, working in parallel. The worker threads pick jobs off a queue and run them. While there are jobs to be processed, the workers will work on them continuously until the queue is empty. Then they will poll the queue at a configurable interval.

There is a default queue, :proletarian/default, which is the one used by job/enqueue! and worker/create-queue-worker if you don't specify a queue in the options.

You can create as many queue workers as you like, consuming jobs from different queues. The jobs will all live in the same table, but are differentiated by the queue name. The parameters you provide when setting up the queue workers, like the polling interval, and the number of worker threads (i.e., the number of parallel worker instances that are polling the queue and working on jobs), will in effect control the priority of the jobs on the different queues.

A queue worker is local to one machine only. If you have several machines acting as job processing instances, they will each have a queue worker process running. The parallelization factor for a given queue will be the number of queue worker processes (on different machines) multiplied by the number of threads in each queue worker.

Job Handler

The job handler is the function that the Proletarian queue worker invokes when it pulls a job off the queue. You implement this function and pass it to worker/create-queue-worker when setting up the Queue Worker.

The function is invoked with two arguments:

  • job-type – the job type as a Clojure keyword (as provided to job/enqueue!).
  • payload – the job's payload (again, as provided to job/enqueue!)

Your handler function must itself handle the logic of dispatching the different job types to appropriate handler functions (see examples/c/example_c for an example of this). It's also useful to have system state available in this function. It should close over references to stateful objects and functions that you need for the job to do its work. Examples of this could be things like database and other (Elasticsearch, Redis) connections, and runtime configuration.

(require '[proletarian.job :as job])

(defn do-something! [db-conn foo]
  ;; Do stuff here
  ;; Enqueue a job:
  (job/enqueue! db-conn ::job-type-foo foo)

;; Pass this function as the second argument to
;; proletarian.worker/create-queue-worker
(defn handle-job!
  [job-type payload]
  ;; Do the dispatch of job types here. This could maybe invoke a multimethod
  ;; that dispatches on `job-type`. See Example C.
  ;; The value of payload is whatever was passed as third argument to 
  ;; job/enqueue! (the value of foo in do-something! in this case).

At Least Once Processing, Idempotence, and Retries

Proletarian goes to great lengths to ensure that no jobs are lost due to exceptions, network errors, database failure, computers catching fire or other facts of life. It relies on PostgreSQL transactions to protect the integrity of the jobs tables while polling and running jobs. A job will not be removed from the queue until it has finished successfully. It is moved to the archive table in the same transaction.

The guarantee is that Proletarian will run each job at least once. There are failure scenarios where a job can run and finish successfully, but the database operations in the transaction that moves the job off the queue can't be completed. These are unlikely events, like the database going offline at just the moment before the job was to be moved to the archive table. Should this happen, the job will get picked up and run again when the queue worker comes online again (or by a different thread or machine, depending on your setup).

The flip side of the at least once guarantee is that your job handler must be idempotent, or your business rules must tolerate that the effects of your job handler happen more than once (in some unlikely cases).


Jobs that throw an exception (a java.lang.Exception or subclass, but not other instances of Throwable) will be retried according to their retry strategy. The default retry strategy is to not retry.

To define a retry strategy for your jobs, you provide the :retry-strategy-fn option to proletarian.worker/create-queue-worker. This function should return the retry strategy, which is a map with the keys :retries and :delays. See below for an explanation. The Queue Worker calls this function when an exception is caught for the job handler. The job and the exception are passed as arguments. You can use these to make informed decisions about how to proceed. The exception might for example contain information on when to retry an HTTP call (from a Retry-After HTTP header). Example B implements something like this. In most cases, however, a simple static retry strategy will suffice.

The default value for the :retry-strategy-fn option, which is used if you don't specify one, simply returns nil, which means no retries.

(require '[proletarian.job :as job])

(defn handle-job!
  [job-type payload]
  ;; Do stuff that might throw an exception here

(defn my-retry-strategy
  [job throwable]
  {:retries 4
   :delays [1000 5000]}
  ;; This retry strategy specifies that the job should be retried up to four 
  ;; times, for a total of five attempts. The first retry should happen 
  ;; one second after the first attempt failed. The remaining attempts should 
  ;; happen five seconds after the previous attempt failed.
  ;; After four retries, if the job was still failing, it is not retried 
  ;; anymore. It is moved to the archived-job-table with a failure status.

Retry Strategy

When a job throws an exception, it is caught by the Proletarian Queue Worker. The function given as the :retry-strategy-fn option is then called with the job payload and the caught exception. You can implement this function, and based on the information in the job payload and exception, have it retry any way you want.

It should return a map that specifies the retry strategy:

  • :retries – the number of retries (note that the total number of attempts will be one larger than this number).
  • :delays – a vector of numbers of milliseconds to wait between retries. The last number specifies the wait time for the remaining attempts if the number of retries is larger than the number of items in the vector.

Do consider the polling interval and the job queue contention when planning your retry strategy. The retry delay should be thought of as the earliest time that the job will be retried. The actual retry time might be a little, or much, later, depending on the polling interval and what other jobs are in the queue before this one.


{:retries 2
 :delays [1000 5000]}

This will retry two times. The first time after 1 second and the second after 5 seconds.

{:retries 4
 :delays [2000 10000]}

This will retry four times. The first time after 2 seconds, the second after 10 seconds, the third after another 10 seconds, and the fourth after yet another 10 seconds.

Failed Jobs

When there are no more retries for a job, it is moved to the archive table with the status set to :failure. The function given as the :failed-job-fn is then called with the job data and the caught exception.

Implement this function if you want to take action when jobs fail. It could for example mean logging with an elevated level to make sure it is noticed by your monitoring, or setting some entity's state to :failed in your domain.

Shutdown and Interrupts

The queue worker, once started, will run until its stop! function is called. You should call this when you want to bring down your system. If you set the install-jvm-shutdown-hook? option to true, Proletarian will install a JVM shutdown hook using java.lang.Runtime.addShutdownHook that will call the stop! function.

When the shutdown sequence starts, threads in the queue worker thread pool will receive an interrupt. How these interrupts are handled depends on where in the poll/run cycle each worker thread is. If a worker thread is polling, it will simply stop polling. If the worker thread is busy running a job, it's the job's responsibility to handle interrupts.

Most of the time, if you have jobs that run quickly (less than a few seconds), you can simply ignore interrupts. Your job will finish, and the worker thread will not pick up any more jobs.

On the other hand, if your job takes a long time to finish, you should handle interrupts one of two ways:

  1. By catching InterruptedException. If your job calls (directly or indirectly) a method that throws InterruptedException (such as Object.wait, Thread.sleep, and Thread.join), you can wrap your job handler code in a try/catch that catches InterruptedException. Do this if you can meaningfully finish the job this way, or if you don't want the job to be run again when the queue worker starts up again.
  2. By regularly checking the thread's interrupt status using Thread.isInterrupted(). If you have CPU-intensive work that takes a lot of time, you could chunk the work such that you can read the interrupt status in-between chunks, and finish the job gracefully if interrupted.

In general, if you stick to enqueuing jobs that require only a few seconds to run and that are safe to be run again (they are idempotent), then you can ignore interrupts.

There is lots more to be said about this topic. There is an article by Brian Goetz that goes into great detail on how to implement cancelable tasks.

If you have specific questions, or even advice you want to share regarding this topic, please open an issue.


Many thanks for Christian Johansen for help with designing the library and database schema.

Hat tip to the creators of MessageDB for how to do the example database install scripts.


MIT License

Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Martin Solli

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.