Listify - Not your everyday todo app!
Splash Screen | Login Screen | Home Screen | Details Screen |
Please starโญ the repo if you like what you see.
Project Environment:
Flutter 2.5.3 โข channel stable โข
Framework โข revision 18116933e7 (4 weeks ago) โข 2021-10-15 10:46:35 -0700
Engine โข revision d3ea636dc5
Tools โข Dart 2.14.4
Code Flow:
Project is following MVC pattern. For managing state I am using Riverpod 1.0.0. All the UI components are inside views folder. Business logic is handled inside controller folder. Model is used to parse data.
โโโ lib/
โโโ controller/
โ โโโ business logic layer
โโโ model/
โ โโโ data layer
โโโ view/
โ โโโ presentation layer
โโโ services/
โ โโโ helper classes
โโโ constant
Feature List
โโโ Login & Sign up using Email and Password
โโโ Add Task with title, description, date and time, priority
โโโ Add, Update, Delete Sub Task
โโโ Update Task
โโโ Delete Task
P.S - To see on going work, feature list please check issues section and projects section
To learn more about riverpod:
To learn more about MVC pattern:
To Install flutter: