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100x Faster Slicing of SCAD Files for 3D Printing


100x Faster Slicing of SCAD Files for 3D Printing

What is This?

  • Command line tool for reading SCAD and writing STL files for 3D printing
  • C library for robust polygon boolean operations, i.e., 2D polygon operations ADD, SUB, CUT, and XOR; plus polygon triangulation, and cutting a 2D slice from a 3D object
  • C library for reading SCAD (OpenScad) files and writing STL files

The focus is on speed and robustness. OpenSCAD's conversion to STL is slow, because it produces a 3D object. And the CGAL library (used by OpenSCAD) does not seems to be very robust for 3D calculations: I often get spurious error messages: 'object may not be a valid 2-manifold'.

Instead, Hob3l uses stable arithmetics to produce an STL file suitable for 3D printing. It does that by pre-slicing the SCAD file into layers and using only 2D operations on each layer. The 2D operations are much faster than 3D operations. Hob3l is very robust -- the 2D base library was fuzzed to get rid of numeric instability problems.

After a major overhaul of its core, Hob3l is now uses integer arithmetics and a snap rounding algorithm to stay within the input coordinate precision. It reads and writes normal floating point numbers, and the float<->int conversions are exact within float precision (the native STL binary number format). If necessary, the precision can be scaled (by default, the unit is 1/8192mm).

Hob3l produces only valid 2-manifolds. (If not: that's a new bug.)

Always Only Valid 2-Manifolds??

OK, OK, if the input polyhedra are really bad, like missing faces, then Hob3l may fail to produce a valid output. But you really need blatantly broken input polyhedra for this. This cannot happen unless you use polyhedron() manually in SCAD. Hob3l is not supposed to fail just because you subtract an object from another object and the two share a part of a face (when you get flickering in OpenSCAD): Hob3l either subtracts everything properly, or it leaves a small (valid) polyhedron -- but it does not become unstable and fail on you.

Of course, no-one can guarantee the absense of bugs, but if Hob3l shows unstable behaviour, then that is a bug. Getting it stable took the majority of the development time.

How Is It Fast?

By replacing 3D operations (like OpenSCAD does using the CGAL library) by fast 2D polygon clipping: Hob3l first cuts slices and then does the boolean operations.

Preparing a 3D model in CSG format (e.g., when using OpenSCAD) for printing may take a long time and is often computationally instable.

So Hob3l wants to replace a workflow 'apply 3D CSG, then slice, then print': 3D CSG

by a workflow 'slice, then apply 2D CSG, then print':


The latter work flow is much faster, especially for non-trivial examples, and has much better computational stability.

The idea is explained in more detail in my blog.

Hob3l's main output formats are

  • STL for printing
  • JavaScript/WebGL for viewing and prototyping

SCAD Input Format

The Hob3l tool reads a subset of the SCAD format used by OpenSCAD.

Please check the SCAD format documentation for a definition of the subset of SCAD that is supported by Hob3l.

To use the full SCAD format syntax, OpenSCAD can be used as a preprocessor to Hob3l. This is very fast, and OpenSCAD resolves the SCAD parts that Hob3l does not support. The result can be processed by Hob3l:

    openscad thing.scad -o thing.csg
    hob3l thing.csg -o thing.stl

See Using This Tool.

Status, Stability, Limitations, Future Work, TODO

After a major overhaul, this tool has been tested very thoroughly wrt. stability and arithmetic robustness, in order to get rid of any floating point instabilities.

The tool can read the specified subset of SCAD (e.g. from OpenSCAD's CSG output), it can slice the input object, it can apply the 2D boolean operations (AKA polygon clipping), and it can triangulate the resulting polgygons, and write STL. Slic3r (and probably PrusaSlicer and Cura) can read the STL files Hob3l produces.

The input polyhedra must be 2-manifold. However, in contrast to previous versions, Hob3l now accepts quite a few non-2-manifold input polyhedra. Polyhedra with holes (i.e., missing faces), however, will not work. OpenSCAD (or CGAL) probably now has more constraints on well-formedness than Hob3l. E.g., Hob3l's algorithms are robust against wrong handedness of faces.

The output STL contains separate layers instead of a single solid. This may be fixed in the future to generate one contiguous object. For now, if you hit split in Slic3r, you'll get hundreds of separate layer objects -- which is not useful.

Memory management has leaks. I admit I don't care enough, because Hob3l basically starts, allocates, exits, i.e., it does not run for long, so the memory leaks do not build up.

There are never enough tests. However, Hob3l's core algorithms have survived many millions of fuzzing tests with afl.

Supported Output Formats

STL: This is the m main output format of Hob3l for which it was first developed. The input SCAD files can be converted to STL and directly used in a slicer for 3D printing. Both ASCII STL (more precise) and binary STL (smaller) are supported.

PS: For debugging and documentation, including algorithm visualisation, Hob3l can output in PostScript. This is how the overview images on this page where generated: by using single-page PS output, converted to PNG using GraphicsMagick. For debugging, mainly multi-page debug PS output was used, which allows easy browsing (I used gv for its speed and other nice features). Also, this allows to compare different runs and do a step-by-step analysis of what is going on during the algorithm runs. The PS modules has a large number of command line options to customise the output.

JS/WEBGL: For prototyping SCAD files, a web browser can be used as a 3D model viewer by using the JavaScript/WebGL output format. The SCAD file can be edited in your favourite editor, then for visualisation, Hob3l can generate WebGL data (possibly with an intermediate step to let OpenSCAD simplify the input file using its .csg output), and a reload in the web browser will show the new model. This package contains auxiliary files to make it immediately usable, e.g. the surrounding .html file with the WebGL viewer that loads the generated data. See the hob3l-js-copy-aux script. The overhaul of Hob3l removed colour support for JS output -- it's just not the most important thing...

SCAD: For debugging intermediate steps in the parser and converter, SCAD format output is available from several processing stages. The current version of Hob3l does not need polyhedra to be strictly correct like in OpenSCAD (e.g., handedness of faces may be reversed). For this reason, polyhedra may not be strictly correct when printed in SCAD debug output and then loaded into OpenSCAD for inspection. (Note that STL and JS output do produce correctly oriented faces.)

JavaScript/WebGL Output

Here's a screenshot of my browser with a part of the Prusa i3 MK3 3D printer rendered by Hob3l:

Mk3 Part

There is an online version available here to play with.

The conversion from .scad to .js takes about 0.7s on my machine, so this is very well suited for prototyping: write the .scad in a text editor, run 'make', reload in browser. To run this conversion yourself, after building, run:

    make clean-test
    time make test-out/curry.js

This should print something like:

./hob3l.exe scad-test/curry.scad -o test-out/curry.js.new.js
Info: Z: min=0.1, step=0.2, layer_cnt=75, max=14.9
mv test-out/curry.js.new.js test-out/curry.js

real  0m0.650s
user  0m0.592s
sys   0m0.044s


Building relies on GNU make and gcc, and uses no automake or other meta-make layer. Both Linux native and the MingW Windows cross compiler have been tested, and I hope that the MingW compiler will also work when run natively under Cygwin.

Make variables can be used to switch how the stuff is compiled. Some GCC extensions are used, but I tried not to overdo it with gcc extensions (({...}) and __typeof__ are used frequently, though), it should be compilable without too much effort.

One unusual step is the generation of the font files (for the text command, which is currently not completely implemented, but the files are needed already for compilation). The font files are generated by a tool fontgen, which needs to be compiled and run. The font files are not checked in, because they are quite large (about 10 .c files each ~2 MB), and they tend to change a lot even for minute changes to the font. This would cause huge diffs. So the first step is to generate them:

    make font

This only needs to be done once (even when switching compilation targets). The font files are not deleted even with make distclean or similar (only make font-clean and make zap remove them), so now the compilation goes on normally:

    make clean
    make test

The resulting executable is called 'hob3l.exe' (also under Linux -- this is so that it also works under Windows).

Parallel building should be fully supported using the -j option to make.

Some Perl scripts are used to generate C code, but all generated C code is also checked in, so the scripts are only invoked when changes are made.

Different Build Variants

The makefile supports 'normal', 'release', and 'devel' build variants, which can be switched using the MODE=normal (default), MODE=release, or MODE=devel command line variables for make. The selection is stored in a file .mode.d, so next time you invoke 'make' without a MODE parameter, the previous build variant will be chosen.


    make clean
    make MODE=release
    make test

Different Compiler Targets

To compile with the standard 'gcc', whatever that is, for x86:


To compile with gcc for x86_64 (e.g., 64 bit x86 Linux):

    make TARGET=gcc64

To compile with gcc for i686 (e.g., 32 bit x86 Linux):

    make TARGET=gcc32

To compile with Clang:

    make TARGET=clang

To cross compile for Windows 64 using MingW:

    make TARGET=win64

To cross compile for Windows 32 using MingW:

    make TARGET=win32

You can set the exact compiler name by overriding CC:

    make TARGET=win32 CC=my-funny-mingw-gcc

Tweaking Compiler Settings

The Makefile has more settings that can be used to switch to other compilers like clang, or to other target architectures. This is not properly documented yet, so reading the Makefile may be necessary here.

The most likely ones you may want to change are the following (listed with their default setting):

CFLAGS_ARCH  := -march=native

Running Tests

After building, tests can be run, provided that the 'hob3l.exe' executable can actually be executed (hopefully). On systems where it works, use

    make test

for that. This runs both the unit tests as well as basic SCAD conversion tests. For full set of checks (asserts) during testing, the 'devel' build variant should be used in addition to the actual build variant.

After installation, the SCAD conversion tests can be run with the installed binary by using

    make check

Each time make check is invoked, it will first remove the old test output files to make sure that the check is actually run. make check also honours the DESTDIR variable to construct the path to the installed executable in the same way as make install.


The usual installation ceremony is implemented, hopefully according to the GNU Coding Standard. I.e., you have make install with prefix, and all *dir options and also DESTDIR support as well as $(NORMAL_INSTALL) markers, and also make uninstall.

    make DESTDIR=./install-root prefix=/usr install

For better package separation, the install target is split into install-bin, install-data, install-lib, install-include (e.g. to compile a separate -dev package as in Debian distributions).

Unfortunately, there is no install-doc yet. FIXME.

Using This Tool, Command Line Options

In general, use hob3l --help.

To convert a normal scad file into the subset this Hob3l can read, start by using OpenSCAD to convert to a flat 3D CSG structure with all the syntactic sugar removed. This conversion is fast.

    openscad thing.scad -o thing.csg

You can now use Hob3l to slice this directly instead of applying 3D CSG:

    hob3l thing.csg -o thing.stl

This can then be used in your favorite tool for computing print paths.

    slic3r thing.stl

Speed comparison

Depending on the complexity of the model, Hob3l may be much faster than using OpenSCAD with CGAL rendering.

Some examples:

The x-carriage.scad part of my Prusa i3 MK3 printer from the Prusa github repository: let's first convert it to .csg. This conversion is quickly done with OpenSCAD, and the resulting flat SCAD format is what Hob3l can read:

    time openscad x-carriage.scad -o x-carriage.csg

To convert to STL using openscad 3D CSG takes a while:

    time openscad x-carriage.csg -o x-carriage.stl

Doing the same with Hob3l in 0.2mm layers is about 50 times faster:

    time hob3l x-carriage.csg -o x-carriage.stl

The most complex part of the i3 MK3 printer, the extruder-body.scad, before it was reimplemented as step file, takes 2m42s in openscad to convert to STL, while Hob3l takes 1.24s, again with 0.2mm layers. That is 130 times faster.

For one of my own parts useless-box+body, which is less complex, but does not care much about making rendering fast (I definitely set up cylinders with too many polygon corners):

    time openscad uselessbox+body.scad -o uselessbox+body.stl

    time hob3l uselessbox+body.scad -o uselessbox+body.stl

This is 85 times faster. Over half of the time is spent on writing the STL file, which is 23MB -- STL is huge. Loading and converting only takes 0.23s.

You can push the difference in speed by making the model more complex, particularly when using high detail levels. E.g., the test31b.scad example uses $fn=99 for a few ellipsoids, causing openscad to slow down:

time openscad scad-test/test31b.scad -o test31b.stl

In contrast, the different algorithms used by Hob3l do not slow down much:

time ./hob3l.exe scad-test/test31b.scad -o test31b.stl

This is 350 times faster. The difference is of course that with Hob3l, the result is sliced into layers, as the following image demonstrates. The top is the OpenSCAD F6 view, the bottom is Hob3l's WebGL output in my web browser.

OpenSCAD output

Hob3l output

Rendering Differences

The difference of the conversion technique is visible in the model view of the STL, where the 2D CSG slicing technique clearly shows the layers, e.g. for a real-life example sliced a 0.2mm with Hob3l. The top is OpenSCAD's output in Slic3r, the bottom is Hob3l's output in Slic3r:

OpenSCAD model Hob3l model

The final result of the slicer, however, is indistinguishable (I was unable to replicate the exact same view, so the Moiré patterns are different -- but the result is really the same), again OpenSCAD output top, Hob3l bottom:

OpenSCAD preview Hob3l preview


The polyhedra (from SCAD input files) are processed using double coordinates. The 2D algorithms, however, now use 32-bit integer coordinates for exact math (and can handle 31-bit signed values without overflow). Therefore, the coordinates in a polygon slice cut from a polyhedron are converted from double to int by multiplying by a power of two -- this way, the upper bits of the floating point mantissa (53 bits for double) can be used directly as ints with minimum rounding error. When converting back from int to double, the integer coordinates are divided by the same power of two, meaning that no rounding error occurs: the integer is used directly as the upper mantissa bits for the floating point number (the lower bits are 0). A round trip from int to double to int is then loss-less. As binary STL uses float coordinates (with a 24 bit mantissa, smaller than 32-bit integers), care was taken to scale in such a way that a wide range of float coordinates also convert to STL with no rounding error. And the ASCII STL is printed with many significant digits to ensure that the information gets into the slicer without any loss of precision. All integer operations check for overflow so that the scale value can be adjusted if necessary for weird input files.

The slice algorithm used to cut a polygon slice from a polyhedron is a simple ad-hoc algorithm that works by iterating each face, making a cut at a given z height, sorting the cut points, and interpreting them as line segments. The subsequent algorithms need no particular order of edges, so a very simple algorithm can be used for slicing.

The polygon clipping algorithm is a Bentley-Ottmann 1979 (Algorithms for reporting and counting geometric intersections) plane sweep algorithm using exact fractional math for the intersections. Ideas from Martínez, Rueda, Feito 2009 (A new algorithm for computing Boolean operations on polygons) were used to extend Bentley-Ottmann to corner cases like overlapping edges. Also, the inside/outside information is tracked in a way similar to that paper, extended by ideas from Sean Conelly's polybooljs project. The input/output information was then extended to handle more than two polygons at once, by using a boolean function represented by a bit array. This speeds up the 2D processing.

The ideas from Boissonnat and Preparata 2000 (Robust Plane Sweep for Intersecting Segments) helped examine the complexity of the numeric problems and to construct a data type for storing intersection points exactly: with a 160 bit fractional (32 bit integer + 64 bit numerator + 64 bit denominator). This avoids overheads from generic exact math libraries and it is quite fast.

After the intersection algorithm, the snap rounding algorithm by de Berg 2007 (An Intersection-Sensitive Algorithm for Snap Rounding) is run to fit the intersection coordinates back into the input bit width (32-bit integer coordinates).

To get a triangulation (to produce the output polyhedron in STL format), the triangulation algorithm of Hertel & Mehlhorn 1983 (Fast Triangulation of the Plane with Respect to Simple Polygons) was used and extended to support coincident vertices, because these cannot be avoided. Also, sequences of collinear edges are supported.

The same algorithm was adapted also for constructing a polygon outline from the set of edges produced by the preceding algorithm, if no triangulation is needed. This is used in the SCAD language processing, e.g., with operations like extrude or project, where the result of the 2D boolean algorithm is fed back into the CSG tree.


The name Hob3l derives from the German word 'Hobel', which is a 'planer' (as in 'wood planer') in English. The 'e' was turned to 3 in recognition of the `slic3r' program.