GhostscriptSharp is a simple C# wrapper for the Ghostscript library.
Using GhostscriptSharp
The GhostscriptWrapper class contains 3 static methods that can be used to generate jpg images from a PDF file.
Generate an Image for a Single Page
This method will generate a single thumbnail for a single page at the given output path
GeneratePageThumb(string inputPath, string outputPath, int page, int width, int height)
- inputPath a path to the PDF file
- outputPath the path where you would like the output jpg
- page the page number for the page you want to create an image from
- width the width of the image
- height the height of the image
Generate Multiple Images for Multiple Pages
This method generates a collection of thumbnail jpgs for the PDF at the input path, starting with firstPage and ending with lastPage. Put "%d" somewhere in the output path to have each of the pages numbered.
GeneratePageThumbs(string inputPath, string outputPath, int firstPage, int lastPage, int width, int height)
- inputPath a path to the PDF file
- ouputPath the path where you would like the output jpgs to go (put '%d' somewhere in the path to have the jpgs numbered)
- firstPage the first page to start generating the thumbnails from
- lastPage the last page to end the thumbnail generator
- width the width of the image
- height the height of the image
Generate Output Based on Settings
This method generates Ghostscript output at the given output path based on a collection of GhostscriptSettings. (See the source for a list of possible settings)
GenerateOutput(string inputPath, string outputPath, GhostscriptSettings settings)
- inputPath a path to the PDF file
- outputPath the path where you would like the output jpg
- settings a collection of settings for the output (see source for more details)