Membrane Demo
In the subdirectories of this repository you can find some examples of using the Membrane Framework:
- camera_to_hls - a demonstration of capturing camera output and converting it to an HLS stream
- rtmp_to_hls - receiving RTMP stream and broadcasting it via HLS
- rtp - sending and receiving RTP/SRTP stream
- rtp_to_hls - receiving RTP stream and broadcasting it via HLS
- rtsp_to_hls - receiving RTSP stream and converting it to HLS
- simple_element - an example of a simple Membrane's element capable of counting the incoming buffers
- simple_pipeline - an example of a Membrane's pipeline playing an mp3 file
- video_mixer - how to mix audio and video files
- webrtc_authentication - an example of signaling server with authentication based on Membrane.WebRTC.Server
- webrtc_simple - simple example of signaling server based on Membrane.WebRTC.Server
- webrtc_to_hls - converting WebRTC stream into HLS
- webrtc_videoroom - basic example of Membrane RTC Engine. It's as simple as possible just to show you how to use our API.
Copyright and License
Copyright 2018, Software Mansion
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0