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  • Created almost 15 years ago
  • Updated 9 months ago


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Repository Details

Native ARchive plugin for Maven

The NAR plugin for Maven allows you to compile native code (C++, C and Fortran) on a number of different architectures (Linux, Windows, MacOSX, Solaris, FreeBSD, ...) and with a number of different compilers/linkers (g++, Microsoft Visual C++, CC, ...) The output produced is wrapped up in Native ARchive files (.nar) some of which are machine independent (-noarch), while others are machine specific and thus depend on a combination of machine architecture(A), operating-system(O) and linker(L) identified as AOL. These nar files can be installed in the local Maven repository and deployed to a standard Maven (web) server, using the standard maven-install-plugin and maven-deploy-plugin.


In your POM:


Of course, it is recommended that you use the latest version.

What you put in the <configuration> section will depend on your build; for ideas, see:



What about maven-nar-plugin?

This is the official maven-nar-plugin project, renamed to nar-maven-plugin as per Apache Maven's requirements.

Alternatives and Complements