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Visual Defect Detection on Boiler Water Wall Tube Using Small Dataset


Defect detection of water-cooled wall. The sample is hard to collect, so we only have a little dataset 
which includes 320 training images(160 normal+ 160 defect) and 80 testing images(40 normal+ 40 defect). 
The image size is 256*256. The dataset is collected by Dong Jin. Thanks the advice from Yu Fang about 
the using of gcForest.


the above three images are normal examples and the below are defect.

normal1 normal2 normal3 defect1 defect2 defect3


We use Support Vector Machine(SVM) with different feature extractors, deep forest and Convolutional Neural 
Network to train the classifier.
  • Gauss filter+LBP+SVM(rbf kernel)

    Use Gaussian filter and laplacian operator to denoise and extracts edges, then LBP(Local Binary Patt-
    ern) extract features of preprocessed images as the input of SVM.
  • CNN+SVM(rbf kernel)

    Use VGG16 to extract features as the input of SVM., the weight of VGG16 is trained on ImageNet.
  • simple CNN(3 Conv+1 FC)

    Build a simple neural network to train. The network consists of three convolutional layers and a fully
    connected layer.
  • transfer Learning(VGG16)

    Use VGG16 to extract features as input of a simple network that consists of a fully-connected layer.
  • Neural Network Search

    Use NNS to search a best network.
  • gcForest

    Use deep forest(Only cascade forest structure/With multi-grained forests) to train the ensemble classifier. 


classifier accuracy
Gauss filter+LBP+SVM(rbf kernel) 97.25%
CNN+SVM(rbf kernel) 71.25%
simple CNN(3 Conv+1 FC) 72.50%
transfer Learning(VGG16) 81.25%
Neural Network Search 82.28%
gcForest (without multi-grained forests) 80.00%
gcForest (with multi-grained forests, i=8) 88.75%



  • gcForest

  • AutoKeras
    Currently, Auto-Keras is only compatible with: Python 3.6. And we need to install the depedencies under python3. [2019.5.10]

  • others

    pip install -r requirements.txt


# read README.md in models folder and download weight file of pre-trained VGG on the ImageNet dataset.
# dataset
cp -rf normal_add/* ./normal
rm -rf normal_add/
cp -rf defect_add/* ./defect
rm -rf defect_add
# CNN+SVM(rbf kernel)
python cnnSVM.py
# simple CNN(3 Conv+1 FC)
python CNNclassifier.py
# transfer Learning(VGG16)
python transferLearning.py
# gcForest (without multi-grained forests) 
python ./data/train/write_label.py
python ./data/test/write_label.py
python ./gcForest/demo_Defect-Detection-Classifier.py --model ./gcForest/demo_Defect-Detection-Classifier-ca.json
# gcForest (with multi-grained forests, i=8) 
python ./gcForest/demo_Defect-Detection-Classifier.py --model ./gcForest/demo_Defect-Detection-Classifier-gc8.json
# Neural Network Search, copy autokeras dir to current path after it is installed from source.
python ./data/train/write_label2.py
python ./data/test/write_label2.py
python3 autoCNNclassifier.py


scikit-learn tutorial
Building powerful image classification models using very little data