Telegraphy (master) is based on WAMP 1.0. We're rewritting it to use a more advanced broker called crossbar.io for asynchronous operations.
Currentrly development is being made in crossbario branch.
Telegraphy provides real time events for WSGI Python applications with additional features such as event filtering, subscription persistence and authorization/authentication.
It's initially intended for Django but you can extend it to any WSGI framework.
WebSocket pub/sub and RPC is based on AutobahnPython implementation of WAMP protocol
Getting It
You can get Telegraphy by using pip:
$ pip install telegraphy
You will need to have pip installed on your system. On linux install the python-pip package,
on windows follow this.
Also, if you are on linux and not working with a virtualenv, remember to use sudo
for both commands (sudo pip install telegraphy
If you want to install it from source, grab the git repository from GitHub and run setup.py:
$ git clone git://github.com/machinalis/telegraphy.git $ cd telegraphy $ python setup.py install
Installing the Django app
Telegraphy's Django app is installed with the standard procedure: in your projects settings.py file add telegraphy.contrib.django_telegraphy to the INSTALLED_APPS:
INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'telegraphy.contrib.django_telegraphy', ... )
Using It
The django_telegraphy app allows you to easily extend your models so that they generate events on creation, update or delete. Those events will reach your front end in real time.
Simply install the django_telegraphy app in your Django project. Then run the following command in parallel to your web-server:
$ python manage.py run_telegraph
Extend your models so that they automatically generate events: create an events.py
file next to your models.py
from models import MyModel
from telegraphy.contrib.django_telegraphy.events import BaseEventModel
class MyEventsModel(BaseEventModel):
model = MyModel
Finally, prepare some template to receive and show the events:
{% load telegraphy_tags %}
{% load static %}
<title>Simple Telegraphy API Example</title>
<script src='{% static "your_app/js/jquery-1.10.2.js" %}'></script>
{% telegraphy_scripts %}
<h1>Catching model events!</h1>
<ul id="event_catcher"> </ul>
(function (){
var $event_catcher = $('#event_catcher');
function (tEvent){
console.log("Event", tEvent);
var new_line = $('<li/>').text("New instance");
And that's it! Every time you create, update or delete an instance of your model, an event will reach your template.
You can find more examples in the documentation.
More detailed documentation
You can read the docs online here.
Or for offline access, you can clone the project code repository and read them from the docs
Help and discussion
For help, suggestions and discussions please refer to http://groups.google.com/group/telegraphy
To guide the development efforts, or if you find any bugs, please use GitHub's issue tracker.
- Many people you can find on the contributors section.
- Special acknowledgements to Machinalis for the time provided to work on this project.
Machinalis also works on some other very interesting projects, like SimpleAI, Quepy and more.