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  • Created almost 4 years ago
  • Updated over 2 years ago


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Repository Details

This is an official repository of End-to-end Lane Shape Prediction with Transformers.

LSTR: Lane Shape Prediction with Transformers


  • ๐Ÿ˜ŽEnd-to-end architecture: Directly output lane shape parameters.
  • โšกSuper lightweight: The number of model parameters is only 765,787.
  • โšกSuper low complexity: The number of MACs (1 MAC = 2 FLOP) is only 574.280M.
  • ๐Ÿ˜ŽTraining friendly: Lower GPU memory cost. Input (360, 640, 3) with batch_size 16 uses 1245MiB GPU usages.

PyTorch(1.5.0) training, evaluating and pretrained models for LSTR (Lane Shape Prediction with Transformers). We streamline the lane detection to a single-stage framework by proposing a novel lane shape model that achieves 96.18 TuSimple accuracy.

For details see End-to-end Lane Shape Prediction with Transformers by Ruijin Liu, Zejian Yuan, Tie Liu, Zhiliang Xiong.


  • ใ€2021/12/03ใ€‘๐Ÿ”ฅ Our new work Learning to Predict 3D Lane Shape and Camera Pose from a Single Image via Geometry Constraints by Ruijin Liu, Dapeng Chen, Tie Liu, Zhiliang Xiong, Zejian Yuan is accepted by AAAI2022! The preprint paper and codes will be released soon!

  • ใ€2021/11/23ใ€‘ We now support Train and Test Custom Data. Tutorial: Train and Test Your Custom Data.

  • ใ€2021/11/16ใ€‘ We fix the Multi-GPU Training.

  • ใ€2020/12/06ใ€‘ We now support CULane Dataset.

Comming soon

  • LSTR-nano(New backbone): 96.33 TuSimple accuracy with only 40% MACs (229.419M) and 40% #Params (302,546) of LSTR.
  • Mosaic Augmentation.
  • Loguru based logger module.
  • Geometry based loss functions.
  • Segmentation prior.

Model Zoo

We provide the baseline LSTR model file (trained on TuSimple train and val sets after 500000 iterations) in the ./cache/nnet/LSTR/LSTR_500000.pkl (~3.1MB).

Data Preparation

Download and extract TuSimple train, val and test with annotations from TuSimple. We expect the directory structure to be the following:


Set Envirionment

  • Linux ubuntu 16.04
conda env create --name lstr --file environment.txt

After you create the environment, activate it

conda activate lstr


pip install -r requirements.txt

Training and Evaluation

To train a model:

(if you only want to use the train set, please see ./config/LSTR.json and set "train_split": "train")

python train.py LSTR
  • Visualized images are in ./results during training.
  • Saved model files (every 5000 iterations) are in ./cache during training.

To train a model from a snapshot model file:

python train.py LSTR --iter 500000

To evaluate (GPU 603MiB usage when evaluating single image iteratively), then you will see the paper's result:

python test.py LSTR --testiter 500000 --modality eval --split testing

To evaluate FPS (set --batch to maximum the FPS, GPU 877MiB usage if you repeat each image 16 times):

python test.py LSTR --testiter 500000 --modality eval --split testing --batch 16

To evaluate and save detected images in ./results/LSTR/500000/testing/lane_debug:

python test.py LSTR --testiter 500000 --modality eval --split testing --debug
  • Demo (displayed parameters are rounded to three significant figures.)


To evaluate and save decoder attention maps (store --debugEnc to visualize encoder attention maps):

python test.py LSTR --testiter 500000 --modality eval --split testing --debug --debugDec

To evaluate on a set of images (store your images in ./images, then the detected results will be saved in ./detections):

python test.py LSTR --testiter 500000 --modality images --image_root ./ --debug


author = {Ruijin Liu and Zejian Yuan and Tie Liu and Zhiliang Xiong},
title = {End-to-end Lane Shape Prediction with Transformers},
booktitle = {WACV},
year = {2021}


LSTR is released under BSD 3-Clause License. Please see LICENSE file for more information.


We actively welcome your pull requests!



