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🌙 A language that compiles to Lualapis
A web framework for Lua and OpenResty written in MoonScriptsticky-kit
A jQuery plugin for creating smart sticky elementslessphp
LESS compiler written in PHPscssphp
SCSS compiler written in
🎹 Sight reading training toolmagick
Lua bindings to ImageMagick for LuaJIT using FFIpgmoon
A pure Lua Postgres driver for use in OpenResty & moregifine
Quickly record and edit gifs and videos of your desktopetlua
Embedded Lua templatesaroma
a game engine: lua, opengl es 2.0, native
a website for running creative streakstableshape
Test the shape or structure of a Lua table, inspired by React.PropTypes & LPeggifserver
A server for transcoding gif to video on the flylovekit
Miscellaneous code for making games in LOVE with MoonScriptmoonscript-vim
MoonScript support for vimlua-enet
Bindings to ENet for Luagh-actions-lua
GitHub action for Lua/LuaJITheroku-openresty
Run OpenResty on Heroku with the Lua buildpacksitegen
static site generator in MoonScriptlua-payments
Various payment provider APIs for Lua (and OpenResty): Stripe, PayPalweb_sanitize
Lua library for sanitizing, parsing, and editing untrusted HTMLmoonlisp
a Lisp that compiles to Luascssphp-compass
Compass for scssphpimage-server-tutorial
An example of an image processing server in OpenResty and Luacompohub
A website for listing game jamslua-openai
OpenAI API bindings for Lualapis-community
Pluggable message board for Lapis powered websitesgoattracker2
a fork of goattracker2itchio-app-old
Desktop clientloadkit
Loadkit allows you to load arbitrary files within the Lua package pathlapis-console
Interactive console for working with Lapiscloud_storage
A Lua library for communicating with Google Cloud Storagemoonscript-javascript
MoonScript compiled to JavaScript with Emscriptenmoonscript-tmbundle
textmate support for MoonScriptlapis-bayes
Naive Bayes classifier for use in Luamoonrocks
command line tool for working with rocks.moonscript.orglua-twitter
A Lua twitter library that works with OpenResty or LuaSocketlua-mailgun
Lua bindings to Mailgun HTTP APIludum-dare-browser
a website for browsing ludum dare gameslapis-redis
Redis integration for Lapislua-syntaxhighlight
A code syntax to HTML highlighter using lexers from Textadeptluajit-geoip
luajit bindings to maxmind geoiplapis-systemd
systemd integration for lapislapis-exceptions
Exception tracking for Lapismoonscript-javascript-compiler
compile moonscript to javascriptmursic
sight reading training toollapis-site
The homepage for Lapislua-date
LuaDate 2 modified to work with newer versions of lua/luajitlua-base58
base58 decode and encode for strings in pure luamoondoc
MoonScript library documentation generatorlapis-archlinux-docker
Dockerfile for running lapis in archlinuxmoonscript-love
LÖVE game engine with baked in moonscript supportlua-uinput
A Lua library for creating a virtual keyboard on Linux with uinputludum-dare-22
A game built in 48 hours for the Ludum Dare Competitionmoonscript-site
An example of running Lapis on Heroku with heroku-openrestyimagesize
Detect size & format of image fileludum-dare-27
theme: 10 secondsludum-dare-38
lets make a game "a small world"ludum-dare-25
Make a game in 48 hours!moonscript-textadept
Textadept support for MoonScriptsaltw-bot
irc/twitch bot written in MoonScriptlapis-stats
Statsd and Influxdb support for Lua, OpenResty & Lapisselfwatch
inspired by selfspysnes-renoise-instruments
Various snes samples ripped from spc -> xrnilapis-spec-screenshot
A busted screenshot handler that takes images of your pages when testingludum-dare-24
Let's make a video game!giflib
garfield comic viewer 🐱weeklyloops
loops for
Annotate lapis models with their schema from the databasemoonscrape
web scraperlessphp-site
the lessphp homepagelapis-eswidget
A widget base class designed for generating ES modules for bundling JavaScript & morewallrun-js
Trying to get love2d game working in browser using fengarielng
an interpreted language running on erlangdullcache
A simple large file cache for sitting in front of storage provider to offload bandwidthludum-dare-32
Something buttuglyphp
a templating language for php with emphasis on macrosfireplace
GTK+ campfire clientalbum-1
my first album, chiptunenet.leafo.MIDIThing
Control your MIDI modules from Renoisegh-actions-openresty
Install OpenResty inside of your GitHub Actions runnerludum-dare-23
make a game in 48 hours!talkxtyper
Type with your voiceworkdad
a chorded keyboard layout and training programlapis-http
HTTP library wrangler for OpenResty & Luasomestory
lets make a game for real this time....ludum-dare-30
Connected worldspixel-react
creating pixelated game interface with html in reactst
my terminalawesome-config
My awesome configurationgodot-game-1
combine two genresnoteshed
a personal wiki for notesludum-dare-31
Entire Game on One Screenludum-dare-40
Lets make another gamemoonparse
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