COâ‚‚ monitor
Setup & Example
Some time ago an article about a low cost COâ‚‚ monitor came to our attention. A colleague quickly adopted the python code to fit in our prometheus setup. Since humans are sensitive to temperature and COâ‚‚ level, we were now able to optimize HVAC settings in our office (Well, we mainly complained to our facility management).
For numerous reasons I wanted to replace the python code with a static Go binary.
- COâ‚‚ meter: Can be found for around 70EUR/USD at & Regardless of minor differences between both devices, both work.
- Some machine which can run the compiled Go binary, has USB and is reachable from your prometheus collector. A very first version of a raspberry pi is already sufficient.
You need prometheus to collect the metrics.
It might make things easier when you set up an udev
rule e.g.
$ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/99-hidraw-permissions.rules
KERNEL=="hidraw*", SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", MODE="0664", GROUP="plugdev"
Run & Collect
$ ./co2monitor --help
usage: co2monitor [<flags>] <device> [<listen-address>]
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
<device> CO2 Meter device, such as /dev/hidraw2
[<listen-address>] The address to listen on for HTTP requests.
Starting the meter export
$ ./co2monitor /dev/hidraw2
2018/01/18 13:09:31 Serving metrics at ':8080/metrics'
2018/01/18 13:09:31 Device '/dev/hidraw2' opened