Responsive HTML email templates
Responsive HTML email templates with Sketch app resources and a social media icons set. Compatible with all major email clients, including Outlook 2013 for Windows and Gmail for mobile (responsiveness without media queries). Compatibility checklist attached. Live preview available on CodePen.
General template
HTML source | CodePen preview | Sketch app resource
Promotional template
HTML source | CodePen preview | Sketch app resource
Explorational template
HTML source | CodePen preview | Sketch app resource
Code formatting
Well commented and readable code. Editable values are indented and submitted to a new line.
Сompatibility check (June'15)
- Apple Mail (Mac OS, iOS iPhone/iPad)
- Microsoft Outlook (2013 Win, 2011 Mac, iOS, Android,
- Google Gmail (Web, Android, iOS)
- Google Inbox (Android, iOS)
- Android Mail
- Mailbox (Android, iOS)
- Yahoo Mail (Web, Android, iOS
- Yandex Mail (Web, Android, iOS)
- Mail.Ru (Web, Android, iOS)