๐ธ Portfolio
A my portfolio site that fetch data and display from various services such as GitHub, Qiita, SpeakerDeck.
๐ป Technology Stacks
- Next.js
- Firebase Hosting
- Cloud Functions for Firebase
โ ๏ธ Requirement
- Node.js v8
๐พ Installation
Fork and Clone
$ git clone https://github.com/kentaro-m/portfolio
$ cd portfolio
Install dependencies
$ yarn install
file and config.js
Update Rename .env.example
to .env
. Get the token from each service and input.
# Scope: public_repo
GITHUB_API_TOKEN=<Your GitHub Token>
# Scope: read_qiita
QIITA_API_TOKEN=<Your Qiita Token>
# RSS to JSON Convert Tool
RSS2JSON_API_TOKEN=<Your rss2json token>
# Error Tracking Tool
SENTRY_PUBLIC_DSN=<Your Sentry Public DSN>
Input user info on src/app/lib/config.js
const prod = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
module.exports = {
// Input site description to display meta tags
site: {
url: prod ? 'https://kentarom.com' : 'http://localhost:3000',
title: 'Kentaro Matsushita - @kentaro-m',
description: '',
image: 'og_image.png'
// Input user info to display social account links
user: {
name: 'Kentaro Matsushita',
github: 'kentaro-m',
qiita: 'kentaro-m',
speaker_deck: 'kentarom',
twitter: '_kentaro_m',
facebook: 'kentaro.m9',
linkedin: 'kentarom'
// Input your skills
skills: [
{type: "JavaScript (ES2015)", level: 80},
{type: "Node.js", level: 70},
{type: "AWS", level: 70},
{type: "React.js", level: 60},
{type: "HTML", level: 60},
{type: "CSS", level: 60},
{type: "Java", level: 50},
{type: "Go", level: 40},
{type: "TypeScript", level: 40}
// Search your repository with username and topic name
github: {
topic: 'my-portfolio'
// Input the number of items to display
qiita: {
item_count: '5'
// Input blog url and the number of items to display
blog: {
url: 'https://kentarom.hatenablog.com/',
feed_url: 'https://kentarom.hatenablog.com/feed',
article_count: '5'
// Input the number of items to display
speaker_deck: {
slides_count: '6'
Update Input your profile on src/app/content/site_description.md
### Kentaro Matsushita
I'm working as a software engineer in Kanazawa, Japan.
Next.js Development
$ yarn run dev
๐ Deploy to Firebase
Create a new project
Create a new project on the Firebase web console and note the project id (https://console.firebase.google.com/project/<projectId>
Please change firebase pricing plan to Blaze from Spark. Spark plan is external network is not accessible and can not call the services api.
Update Input your project id.
"projects": {
"default": "<Your Project ID>"
Deploy from local development
Login to Firebase CLI
$ yarn run firebase-login
Deploy Hosting resources and Cloud Functions
$ yarn run deploy
Deploy from CircleCI
Set up a project on CircleCI
Set up a project by referring to the following pages.
Getting Started Introduction - CircleCI
Generate an access token for using the Firebase
$ ./node_modules/.bin/firebase login:ci
Set the environment variables to CircleCI
Set the environment variables by referring to the following pages.
Using Environment Variables - CircleCI
Deploy Hosting resources and Cloud Functions
Run build and deploy for every commit for master
๐ฟ Clean dist
$ yarn run clean
๐ License