Codebase for "Time-series prediction" with RNN, GRU, LSTM and Attention
Authors: Jinsung Yoon Contact: [email protected]
This directory contains implementations of basic time-series prediction using RNN, GRU, LSTM or Attention methods. To run the pipeline, simply run python3 -m
Stages of time-series prediction framework:
- Load dataset (Google stocks data)
- Train model: (1) RNN based: Simple RNN, GRU, LSTM (2) Attention based
- Evaluate the performance: MAE or MSE metrics
Command inputs:
- train_rate: training data ratio
- seq_len: sequence length
- task: classification or regression
- model_type: rnn, lstm, gru, or attention
- h_dim: hidden state dimensions
- n_layer: number of layers
- batch_size: the number of samples in each mini-batch
- epoch: the number of iterations
- learning_rate: learning rates
- metric_name: mse or mae
Example command
$ python3
--train_rate 0.8 --seq_len 7 --task regression --model_type lstm
--h_dim 10 --n_layer 3 --batch_size 32 --epoch 100 --learning_rate 0.01
--metric_name mae
- MAE or MSE performance of trained model