Simple class for handling Local Authentication using Touch ID. Used in eHarmony iOS App. EHF stands for eHarmony Foundation which is our library of utilities built off Apple Frameworks. iOS 8 only because it requires the LocalAuthentication framework. Only functional on devices equipped with a Touch ID sensor (iPhone 5S, 6, 6+). Will not work in simulator.
Swift 3.0 support as of 0.0.5
Swift 2.0 support as of 0.0.4
Swift 1.2 support - 0.0.3
Article describing the feature [on medium] (
Our mockup of the feature in eHarmony is below:
##Example Usage
Install with CocoaPods:
pod 'EHFAuthenticator-Touch-ID', '0.0.5'
Set a reason to show to your users, then authenticate to verify identity.
[[EHFAuthenticator sharedInstance] setReason:@"Authenticate with Touch ID to access secure data"]
[[EHFAuthenticator sharedInstance] authenticateWithSuccess:^(){
// Success
} andFailure:^(LAError errorCode){
//Handle LAError codes. See example project for the different errors that can occur.
EHFAuthenticator.sharedInstance.reason = "Authenticate with Touch ID to access secure data"
// Success
}, failure:{ errorCode in
//Handle LAError codes. See example project for the different errors that can occur.