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Machine Learning on personal image w/ ESP32CamESP32CAM-FaceDetect-Line-Notify
Notify on Line when camera detects a face!ESP32C3_Pico
ESP32-C3 platformIO startupOpenCap
OpenCV4 Capture UtilityzmqSocket
ZMTP3-SUB/PUB Python/C++ minimum implementRPi-Pico-USB
USB related w/ RPi-PicoR3Esp32Grbl
An ESP32 Grbl board w/ Adduino R3 formfactorRPi-Pico
Some projects related to RPi-PicolvGL_GUI
lvGL7.7 GUI stuffESP32FOTA
ESP32 SSL httpUpdate ex.BenchmarkCPU
CPU benchmark/bogomipsZero2040_Lora
A RP2040 project in Rpi-Zero form w/ RF LoraTTGO_TS_AHD
Some stuff for the USB DisplayS2MikroBUS
ESP32S2 USB OTG projectESP8266_D1_MINI
Project for integrating some scripts interpreter in one ESP32TinyScripESP32
TinyScript port to C3mBUShidDevices
USB HID devices implementationsESP32-Cam-Telegram
ESP32Cam w/ HTTP stream and TelegramESP32_BitlashTBP
ESP32 project with QEspNow & Bitlash & TinyBasicPlusTuDow3-Kinematics
Qt Robot 3DOF Forward/Inverse Kinematics with FABRIKESP32C3-S2-micropython-build
building ESP32C3 micropython notesESP8266_OTA
NodeMCU V3 power checkESP32_VU
A simple ESP32 T-Audio I2S VU w/ NeoPixelsESP32-SNTP_ESP-IDF_Arduino
ESP-IDF project using Arduino OLED library as componentRPI-ModbusClient
A Modbus Client/Master for PLC controllerESP32-NimBLE-Neopixel
ESP32 NimBLE Neopixel w/ T-AudioESP32S2-Pico
PlatformIO project w/ ESP32S2-PicoQT_OpenCV4_ColorChecker
ColorChecker stuff w/ OpenCV4, QT5Microbit-Arduino-Starter
Microbit starter w/ Arduino+Platformio+VSCodeLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us