A lightweight Git Server Docker image built with Alpine Linux. Available on GitHub and Docker Hub
Basic Usage
How to run the container in port 2222 with two volumes: keys volume for public keys and repos volume for git repositories:
$ docker run -d -p 2222:22 -v ~/git-server/keys:/git-server/keys -v ~/git-server/repos:/git-server/repos jkarlos/git-server-docker
How to use a public key:
Copy them to keys folder:
- From host: $ cp ~/.ssh/ ~/git-server/keys
- From remote: $ scp ~/.ssh/ user@host:~/git-server/keys
You need restart the container when keys are updated:
$ docker restart <container-id>
How to check that container works (you must to have a key):
$ ssh git@<ip-docker-server> -p 2222
Welcome to git-server-docker!
You've successfully authenticated, but I do not
provide interactive shell access.
How to create a new repo:
$ cd myrepo
$ git init --shared=true
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "my first commit"
$ cd ..
$ git clone --bare myrepo myrepo.git
How to upload a repo:
From host:
$ mv myrepo.git ~/git-server/repos
From remote:
$ scp -r myrepo.git user@host:~/git-server/repos
How clone a repository:
$ git clone ssh://git@<ip-docker-server>:2222/git-server/repos/myrepo.git
- Expose ports: 22
- Volumes:
- /git-server/keys: Volume to store the users public keys
- /git-server/repos: Volume to store the repositories
SSH Keys
How generate a pair keys in client machine:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
How upload quickly a public key to host volume:
$ scp ~/.ssh/ user@host:~/git-server/keys
Build Image
How to make the image:
$ docker build -t git-server-docker .
You can edit docker-compose.yml and run this container with docker-compose:
$ docker-compose up -d