An extremely simple, fast static blog generator.
Deploy to Netlify
Install locally
On MacOS:
brew install freetonik/tap/underblog
docker run --rm -it -v /path/to/your/blog:/blog freetonik/underblog
Go to releases and download the latest binary marked "windows".
How it works
You only need 4 things:
template for blog's index page.post.html
template for single post.css/styles.css
for CSS styles.markdown
There is no front-matter. Date and slug are derived from the filename. Title is derived from the first line of markdown file. Make sure the first line starts with #
Step 1: create the following folder structure:
├── css
│  └── styles.css
├── markdown
│  └── YYYY-MM-DD-Slug_1.md
│  └── YYYY-MM-DD-Slug_2.md
│  └── YYYY-MM-DD-Slug_3.md
├── index.html
├── post.html
(See /example)
Step 2: run underblog
Step 3: Your site is generated in public
Live preview
Run underblog in watch mode:
underblog -watch
Then go to http://localhost:8080/. Changing markdown files will automatically re-generate the site.
- NO front matter
- NO themes
- NO JavaScript
- NO tags, categories, taxonomy
- NO template lookup logic
- NO plugins
- NO dependencies
- derive dates from filenames
- RSS generation
- Syntax highlighting for code with Chroma
- live preview server
In the root repository do:
make build