bb β your system's Big Brother
simple process viewer (for functionalities, press h
within bb
or see shortcuts below)
This is a "weekend" side-project made for fun, but it ended up somewhat useful and fast. Performance seems on par with htop
without having done any benchmarks, however in contrast to htop
, bb
doesn't leave artifacts when it redraws the screen. I am not completely sure this is htop
's fault though, feel free to correct me.
Prerequisites: cargo >= 1.36, Linux
cargo install bb
Prerequisites: rustc, cargo >= 1.36, Linux
Execute `cargo build --release`, resulting binary will be in
'h' Toggle help overlay
'F' Follow process and its children. Type the pid you want to follow
'L' Highlight process. Type the pid you want to highlight
'k' Kill process under cursor
Press Enter to confirm kill, or Esc to cancel
'f' (un)freeze process list updates
'/' Search process list
'n' Next search result
'N' Previous search result
Space Filter process list
't' toggle tree view
F1 toggles/activates username sorting
F2 toggles/activates vm_rss sorting
F3 toggles/activates cpu% sorting
F4 toggles/activates cmd_line sorting
Esc Cancel action
Copyright 2019 Manos Pitsidianakis <[email protected]> Released
under the GPL, version 3 or greater. This software carries no warranty of
any kind. (See COPYING for full copyright and warranty notices.)
β¨ β©
September 04, 2019