Welcome to Python Synopsis!
Python Study Guide
In this repository I want to share resources, that helped me understand python programing language deeply. It was not easy to find appropriate books, articles, answers from Stackoverflow, online courses, videos from py conferences and etc.
So, after all I decided to share top resources for everyone about each topic, that you need to know about python, if you want to be senior python Software Engineer.
Of course, it needs plenty of time to organize best resources based on the topics and it's hard for me to do it every day, but I want to do min 1 chapter each week and now I think, that there will be more than 30-40 chapters.
So, You can start study from here:
Python Synopsis - https://entgriff.github.io/Python-Synopsis/site/
- Beginner
- Intermediate
- ...
- Advanced
- ...
- Context Managers
- Python Metaclasses
- ...
- Books :
- How To Code in Python 3 by Lisa Tagliaferri
- Dive into Python 3 by Mark Pilgrim
- Learning Python, Fourth Edition by Mark Lutz
- Think Python by Allen B. Downey
- Learn Python The Hard Way by Zed A. Shaw
- Python In A Nutshell, Second Edition by Alex Martelli
- Bioinformatics Programming Using Python by Mitchell L Model
- Python 3 Object-oriented Programming, Second Edition by Dusty Phillips
- Sites:
- Articles :
- Assignment statements in Python are more interesting than you might think by Dibya Chakravorty
- Understanding Python variables and Memory Management by Sreejith Kesavan
- Quick Tip: What Is a Metaclass in Python? by Abder-Rahman Ali
- Understanding Python metaclasses by Ionel Cristian MΔrieΘ
- **How Exactly Do Context Managers Work?**by Evan Dempsey