DuckDuckGo - Community Platform
This is the source code for the DuckDuckGo Community Platform at
Requirements / Installation
The DuckDuckGo Community Platform is built on Perl, Catalyst, DBIx::Class, Text::Xslate and Dancer2.
Requires perl 5.16.3 (or higher) and:
- cpanm (local::lib and/or perlbrew recommended)
- gcc toolchain (gcc, make, lib headers)
- git
- libcurl
- imagemagick
- postgresql (recommended, though you may get away with mysql or sqlite for now)
To install these on Debian / Ubuntu:
apt-get install cpanm build-essential libgd2-xpm-dev libssl-dev git libcurl4-gnutls-dev libxml2-dev imagemagick perl-doc postgresql libpq-dev
To proceed with installation, you will also need Dist::Zilla
cpanm -i Dist::Zilla
To install community-platform's Perl dependencies, go to its directory and run:
dzil authordeps --missing | cpanm
dzil listdeps --missing | grep -v abstract | cpanm
This will take some time. You can add --notest
to the cpanm command to speed
things up, but this may result in fires later.
Test Data
Before running the dev server, we need a database schema.
The default is to use SQLite if no DSN configuration environment variables are found, e.g.
export DDGC_DB_DSN='dbi:Pg:database=ddgc';
export DDGC_DB_USER='ddgc';
export DDGC_DB_PASSWORD='yourdbpass';
To run the dev environment deployment script, your postgres user requires the following permissions:
This script deploys the schema and populates it with a test / dev data set:
You can also roll over any existing schema with the --kill
script/ --kill
For the flags to work, you need to generate their sprites. This process has to be repeated everytime the country flags are changed.
Community platform's generated static files, media uploads, caches, duckpan
packages etc. live in $HOME/ddgc/
To launch the development web server:
This, by default, launches a plack server bound to port 5001 with DBIC and Catalyst console debugging enabled with Plack debug panels in rendered output.
It watches the lib/
directory and restarts if there are any changes written.
It supports the following options:
- -p - Set port to bind to
- -m - Use a debug mailer on localhost:1025 (python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:1025)
- -n - Don't render Plack debug panels (useful for frontend work)
Front end elements (js, css...) in src/
are managed by node.js / grunt.
To launch a task to rebuild static files when they change, use
grunt watch
User Accounts
The following accounts are created by
testone An admin, who is native German but also speaks English.
testtwo A normal user who speaks Spanish with public profile.
testthree A translation manager who speaks English, Arabic, and German.
testfour An admin, who speaks German, Spanish, and English.
testfive A normal user without public profile, who speaks Russian and English.
Additionally there are also test1 to test40 all without any setup.
Any random password will suffice, as a separate service is used to provide authentication in production.
This software is licensed under Perl 5 dual license: either GPLv1 or later, or, at users' choice, Artistic 1.0. We welcome contributions to this software under the same licensing terms.
Third party credits
The project is built using other software packages and creative content:
- SCEditor, MIT license
- jQuery JavaScript Library v1.9.1, MIT license
- aToolTip jQuery plugin, CC-BY 3.0 Unported license
- Select2, Apache License 2.0 or GPL v2
- handlebars v1.3.0, MIT license
- HTML5shiv, dual license, MIT or GPL v2
- jQuery Iframe Transport, part of jQuery-File-Upload jQuery plugin, MIT license
- Dropzone, MIT license
- ContentLoaded, MIT license
- addPlaceholder jQuery plugin, code made available on author's blog