Pulls is a small cli application name to help you manage pull requests for your repository. It was created by Michael Crosby to improve the productivity of the Docker maintainers.
Gordon assumes that the git origin
is the upstream repository where the Issues and Pull Requests are managed.
This is not the workflow described in the GitHub fork a repository
Quick installation instructions:
- Install Go 1.2+ from http://golang.org/
- Install with
go get -u github.com/docker/gordon/{pulls,issues}
- Make sure your
includes x/bin where x is each directory in your$GOPATH
environment variable. - Call
pulls --help
andissues --help
- Add your github token with
pulls auth <UserName> --add <token>
Dockerfile container build:
If you don't have Go set up and want to try out Gordon, you can use the Dockerfile to build it, and then can either copy the 2 executables to your local Linux host:
- Build:
docker build -t gordon .
- Copy: `docker run --name gore gordon true && docker cp gore:/go/bin/pulls . && docker cp gore:/go/bin/issues . && docker rm gore``
You could also run from inside the container:
- Setup an alias:
pulls() { docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/src --workdir /src -e HOME=/src gordon pulls $@; }
- Set the GitHub API token:
pulls auth SvenDowideit --add 1373a7583d30623abcb2b233fe45090fe2e4a3e1a2
- List open PR's: