Keycloak Extensions Demo
Demos, examples and playground for Keycloak extensions, providers, SPI implementations, etc.
Keycloak User Storage Providers
Flintstones - Demo user storage provider, providing some members of the Flintstones family in a read-only mode, from an in-memory repository.
Peanuts - Demo user storage provider, providing some members of the Peanuts family in a read-only mode, via an external API.
Keycloak Authenticators
MagicLink Authenticator - demo authenticator which sends a magic link to the user with which the user can login without needing to provide a password.
Captcha Authenticator - demo authenticator in which the user needs to solve a math task and submit the result, before successful authentication.
MFA Authenticator - very simple(!!!) demo authenticator which prints a generated OTP to stdout.
Conditional HttpHeaders Authenticator - condition for authenticators which will decide upon a header and given value (or negated value) if true
Keycloak Event Listeners
Session Restrictor
Highlander - demo event listener for Keycloak, allowing only the last session to survive (Highlander mode - there must only be one!), if a user logs in on multiple browsers/devices. (This was for long time not possible in Keycloak ootb, thus this event listener; since KC v19(?) this is natively supported.)
Event Forwarder
AWS SNS Publisher - demo event listener for Keycloak, simply forwarding/publishing all events to an AWS SNS topic.
User Attribute Updater
LastLoginTime - demo event listener for Keycloak, storing the most recent login time in an user attribute.
Custom Keycloak OIDC protocol token mapper
LuckyNumberMapper - example custom token mapper for Keycloak using the OIDC protocol.
Keycloak REST endpoint/resource extension
Custom Rest Resource - demo implementation for custom REST resources within Keycloak, public (unauthenticated) and secured (authenticated) endpoints.
Custom Required Action
MobileNumberRequiredAction - example which enforces the user to update its mobile phone number, if not already set.
Custom Email Template & Sender Provider
Email Provider for custom templates in JSON format (no actual emal, but for processing through external/3rd party services) and sending emails via a vendor specific (here: AWS SES) protocol, instead of SMTP.
Custom Action Token
ActionToken t.b.d.