- Supporting both Local and Windows Authentication in ASP.NET Core MVC using IdentityServer4
- ASP.NET Core Authorization for Windows, Local accounts
- OAuth Authentication with PKCE for a .NET Core Console Native Application
- Using HTTP Request Routes, Request Body, and Query string parameters for Authorization in ASP.NET Core
running the applications
- Start the StsServer project and the Web API project (Visual Studio IIS Express)
- Start the MvcHybridClient (Visual Studio IIS Express)
- Start the NativeConsolePKCEClient (Console APP)
- Login and run.
Note: the IISExpress certificates need to be allowed when running.
2022-02-11 Updated packages and namespaces
2022-01-28 Updated packages
2021-11-12 Updated to .NET 6
2021-08-19 Updated packages
2021-01-05 Update .NET 5
2020-08-25 Adding claims (all roles) to the id_token
2020-08-23 Updated Nuget packages. IdentityServer 4 V4
2020-05-03 Updated Nuget packages
2019-12-20 Updated to .NET Core 3.1
2019-12-02 Added Authorization examples for HTTP request data
2019-11-22 Updated nuget packages, added swagger to the API project
2019-09-12 Updated to .NET Core 3.0, IdentityServer4 3.0
2019-05-05 Updated to in-process hosting, improved configuration
2019-05-02 Updated npm packages, nuget packages
2019-02-10 Updated to .NET Core 2.2, bootstrap 4
2018-09-17 Updated to .NET Core 2.1.4
2018-08-01 Updated to .NET Core 2.1.2
2018-05-15 Updated to .NET Core 2.1
2018-05-08 Updated to .NET Core 2.1 rc1