This is POC of using Tailwind CSS with Material-UI.
The idea is to sync MUI theme with Tailwind CSS theme. To do that, we need to get tailwind theme from the MUI theme creation function to inject Tailwind value into the MUI theme properties.
- Install MUI
- Follow the Tailwind install guide for Create React App using Craco
needs to be in the./src
folder to be imported into the React App and MUI theme. To do that, editcraco.config.js
module.exports = {
style: {
postcss: {
plugins: [
- Use tailwind resolveConfig utility to get the entire tailwind theme and inject it into MUI:
// ./src/App.js
const tailwindConfig = resolveConfig(tailwindConfigModule);
const theme = createMuiTheme({
palette: {
primary: {
main: tailwindConfig.theme.colors.primary.main,