A curated list of awesome extra libraries and resources for SQLAlchemy. Inspired by awesome-python. (See also other awesome lists!)
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Table of Contents
- SQLAlchemy-Continuum
Versioning and auditing extension for SQLAlchemy.
- Creates versions for inserts, deletes and updates.
- Does not store updates which don't change anything.
- Supports alembic migrations.
- Can revert objects data as well as all object relations at given transaction even if the object was deleted.
- Transactions can be queried afterwards using SQLAlchemy query syntax.
- Query for changed records at given transaction.
- Temporal relationship reflection. Version object's relationship show the parent objects relationships as they where in that point in time.
- Supports native versioning for PostgreSQL database (trigger based versioning).
- sqlalchemy_mptt
Library for implementing MPTT (modified preorder tree traversal) with SQLAlchemy models and working with trees of model instances, like django-mptt.
- SQLAlchemy-ORM-tree
An implementation for SQLAlchemy-based applications of the nested-sets/modified-pre-order-tree-traversal technique for storing hierarchical data in a relational database.
- vdm
Versioned domain model. Python library for revisioning/versioning of databases.
- SQLAlchemy-Enum34
SQLAlchemy type to store standard
values.- SQLAlchemy-Utc
SQLAlchemy type to store aware
values.- SQLAlchemy-Utils
Various utility functions, new data types and helpers for SQLAlchemy
- Listeners
- Data types: {..., ChoiceType, CountryType, JSONType, URLType, UUIDType, ...}
- Range data types
- Aggregated attributes
- Generates decorator
- Generic relationships
- Database helpers: create_database, drop_database
- Foreign key helpers
- ORM helpers
- Utility classes
- Model mixins: Timestamp (created, updated times)
- Alembic
Alembic is a lightweight database migration tool for usage with the SQLAlchemy Database Toolkit for Python.
- sqlalchemy-migrate
Inspired by Ruby on Rails' migrations, SQLAlchemy Migrate provides a way to deal with database schema changes in SQLAlchemy projects.
- redshift_sqlalchemy
Amazon Redshift dialect for SQLAlchemy.
- sphinxalchemy
SQLAlchemy dialect for interfacing with Sphinx (search engine) via SphinxQL.
An asynchronous PostgreSQL dialect for asyncpg, providing SQLAlchemy core support and its own asynchronous ORM interface.
- https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/
- https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/intro.html
- https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/core/tutorial.html
- https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/orm/tutorial.html
- https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/glossary.html
- filedepot
DEPOT is a framework for easily storing and serving files in web applications. Depot features simple integration with SQLAlchemy by providing customized model field types for storing files attached to your ORM document.
- SQLAlchemy-ImageAttach
SQLAlchemy-ImageAttach is a SQLAlchemy extension for attaching images to entity objects.
- sqlalchemy-media
Based on SQLAlchemy-ImageAttach but using JSON type instead of relation, and SqlAlchemy's mutable facility, Also supports multiple stores per context.
- ColanderAlchemy
ColanderAlchemy helps you to auto-generate Colander schemas that are based on SQLAlchemy mapped classes.
Such Colander schemas can be used with libraries like Deform and helps remove the need for duplication of schema definitions.
- Flask-Validator
Data validator for Flask and SQL-Alchemy, working at Model component with events, preventing invalid data in the columns. The extension works with event listeners from SQLAlchemy.
- FormAlchemy
FormAlchemy eliminates boilerplate by autogenerating HTML input fields from a given model. FormAlchemy will try to figure out what kind of HTML code should be returned by introspecting the model's properties and generate ready-to-use HTML code that will fit the developer's application.
- WTForms-Alchemy
WTForms-Alchemy is a WTForms extension toolkit for easier creation of model based forms. Strongly influenced by Django ModelForm.
- Sprox
Sprox provides an easy way to create forms for web content which are: automatically generated, easy to customize, and validated. Sprox also has powerful tools to help you display your content the way you want to with table and record viewers. Sprox provides a way to fill your widgets, whether they are forms or other content with customizable data.
- SQLAlchemy-Searchable
Full-text searchable models for SQLAlchemy. Only supports PostgreSQL.
- SQLAlchemy-FullText-Search
Fulltext search support with MySQL & SQLAlchemy.
- GeoAlchemy
GeoAlchemy provides extensions to SQLAlchemy to work with spatial databases.
The current supported spatial database systems are PostGIS, Spatialite, MySQL, Oracle, and MS SQL Server 2008.
- GeoAlchemy 2
GeoAlchemy 2 provides extensions to SQLAlchemy for working with spatial databases.
GeoAlchemy 2 focuses on PostGIS. PostGIS 1.5 and PostGIS 2 are supported. Spatialite is also supported, but using GeoAlchemy 2 with Spatialite requires some specific configuration on the application side.
GeoAlchemy 2 aims to be simpler than its predecessor, GeoAlchemy. Simpler to use, and simpler to maintain.
- SQLAlchemy-i18n
Internationalization extension for SQLAlchemy models.
- Stores translations in separate tables.
- Reflects translation table structures based on parent model table structure.
- Supports forcing of given locale.
- Good performance (uses proxy dicts and other advanced SQLAlchemy concepts for performance optimization).
- flask_debugtoolbar
Debug toolbar with SQLAlchemy query information for Flask.
- pyramid_debugtoolbar
Debug toolbar with SQLAlchemy query information for Pyramid.
- SQLTap
SQLTap is a library that allows you to profile and introspect the queries that your application makes using SQLAlchemy.
SQLTap helps you understand:
- how many times a sql query is executed
- how much time your sql queries take
- where your application is issuing sql queries from
- nplusone
Auto-detect the n+1 queries problem in SQLAlchemy (and other Python ORMs)
nplusone detects unnecessary queries caused by lazy loading and unused eager loading. Integrates with Flask-SQLAlchemy.
- sqlakeyset
This library implements keyset-based paging for SQLAlchemy (both ORM and core).
This library has been tested with PostgreSQL and MariaDB/MySQL. It should work with other SQLAlchemy-supported databases to provided they support
- marshmallow-sqlalchemy
SQLAlchemy integration with the marshmallow (de)serialization library.
- pydantic
Data parsing and validation using Python type hints
- sqlalchemy-dict
SQLAlchemy extension for interacting models with python dictionary.
- charlatan
Fixtures management for SQLAlchemy and other systems.
- factory_boy
Generate fake data and create random fixtures for testing in SQLAlchemy and many other Python ORM systems.
- mixer
Generate fake data and create random fixtures for testing in SQLAlchemy and many other Python ORM systems.
- Dataset
Easy-to-use data handling for SQL data stores in Python with support for implicit table creation, bulk loading, and transaction. Dataset also includes support for freezing data to CSV and JSON flat files.
- rdflib-sqlalchemy
RDFLib store using SQLAlchemy dbapi as back-end.
- PugSQL
Loading and execution of parameterized queries stored in files.
- SQLSoup
SQLSoup provides a convenient way to map Python objects to relational database tables, with no declarative code of any kind. It's built on top of the SQLAlchemy ORM and provides a super-minimalistic interface to an existing database.
- SQLModel
SQLModel is a library for interacting with SQL databases from Python code, with Python objects. It is designed to be intuitive, easy to use, highly compatible, and robust. SQLModel is based on Python type annotations, and powered by Pydantic and SQLAlchemy.
- Zillion
Zillion is a free, open data warehousing and dimensional modeling tool that allows combining and analyzing data from multiple datasources through a simple API. It writes SQL so you don't have to, and it easily bolts onto existing database infrastructure via SQLAlchemy.
- Flask-SQLAlchemy-PGEvents
Flask extension that uses SQLAlchemy and psycopg2-pgevents to enable event listeners tied into database-layer triggers.
- sqlalchemy-crosstab-postgresql
New grammar for SQLAlchemy to make handling the
tablefunc (i.e. pivot tables) in PostgreSQL easy peasy.- sqlalchemy-postgres-copy
Wrapper for using PostgreSQL COPY with SQLAlchemy for efficient bulk data imports and exports.
- sadisplay
Simple package for describing SQLAlchemy schema and display raw database tables by reflecting feature.
- sqlalchemy_schemadisplay
This module generates images from SQLAlchemy models.
- eralchemy
ERAlchemy generates Entity Relation (ER) diagram from databases or from SQLAlchemy models.
- bottle-sqlalchemy
A Bottle plugin to manage SQLAlchemy session to your application.
- filteralchemy
Declarative query builder that auto-generates filter parameters from models and parses request parameters using marshmallow-sqlalchemy and webargs.
- Flask-SQLAlchemy
Flask-SQLAlchemy is an extension for Flask that adds support for SQLAlchemy to your application.
- Flask-Admin
The admin interface framework for Flask. With scaffolding for SQLAlchemy, MongoEngine, pymongo and Peewee.
- pyramid_sqlalchemy
pyramid_sqlalchemy provides everything needed to use SQLAlchemy in Pyramid applications.
- pyramid_restler
pyramid_restler is a somewhat-opinionated toolkit for building RESTful Web services and applications on top of the Pyramid framework (with SQLAlchemy models).
- sacrud
SACRUD will solve your problem of CRUD interface for SQLAlchemy, by providing extension for Pyramid (yet) or use it in pure form. Unlike classical CRUD interface, pyramid_sacrud allows override and flexibly customize interface (that is closer to
).- SQLA-wrapper
A light and framework-independent wrapper for SQLAlchemy that makes it really easy to setup and use.
- Doesn't change the SQLAlchemy syntax.
- Can paginate the results of the queries.
- Support for multiple databases at the same time.
- zope.sqlalchemy
The aim of this package is to unify the plethora of existing packages integrating SQLAlchemy with Zope's transaction management. As such it seeks only to provide a data manager and makes no attempt to define a zopeish way to configure engines.
- paginate_sqlalchemy
This module helps dividing large lists of items into pages. The user is shown one page at a time and can navigate to other pages.
- sandman2
Generate a curl-able REST HTTP API with searching and filtering for all tables in a database and an admin UI with Flask-SQLAlchemy and HTTP Basic Authentication.
- sqlalchemy_mixins
A set of well-tested mixins that brings Active Record, Django-like queries, nested eager load and beauty __repr__ to your SQLAlchemy.