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The Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory (CWRC) is developing an in-browser text markup editor (CWRCWriter) for use by collaborative scholarly editing projects.wikidata-entity-lookup
Find entities (people, places, organizations) in Wikidata.CWRC-WriterBase
The base class from which to create a CWRC-Writer XML editor.ontology
CWRC ontology - primary repositoryCWRC-GitWriter
An instance of the CWRC-Writer configured to interact the CWRC-GithubServer which in turn uses Github for document, annotation, and schema storage.dbpedia-entity-lookup
Find entities (people, places, organizations, titles) in dbpedia.HuViz
LOD visualization tool for humanities datasetsCWRC-Schema
CWRC Schemas and supporting documentsNERVE
Named Entity Recognition Vetting EnvironmenttestData
Find entities (people, places, organizations) in VIAF.CWRC-Mapping-Timelines-Project
CWRC Mapping and Timelines ProjectCWRC-Consolidated-User-Documentation
Islandora ETL (Extract / Transform / Load)cwrc-entity-management-forms-static
Centralized storage for cwrc technical documentation.CWRC-PublicEntityDialogs
Dialogs for the CWRC-Writer that lookup people, places, organizations, and publications in public authority files.Humanities-LOD-Ontologies
Papers and related content for the workshop at DH2019 sponsored by the ADHO LOD SIG.leaf-isle-bagger
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