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A lightweight front-end framework for building accessible, bespoke interfaces.vertical-timeline
An easy to customize, responsive
A collection of animated headlineshorizontal-timeline
An easy to customize, horizontal timeline powered by CSS and JavaScript.image-comparison-slider
A draggable slider to quickly compare 2 imagesschedule-template
A simple template that lets you display events on a timeline, as well as organize them in groups (week days, conference rooms etc…)points-of-interest
A resource to highlight the points of interest of your products.hero-slider
A full-width, responsive and easy to customise slideshow.mega-dropdown
A responsive and easy to customise mega-dropdown component.back-to-top
Back to top link to smoothly scroll back to the top of the page.mega-site-navigation
A responsive navigation for mega sitesresponsive-sidebar-navigation
An easy-to-integrate side, vertical navigation, ideal for dashboards and admin areas.virgo-template
Virgo is a free HTML, CSS, JS template built using the CodyHouse Components and
A simple navigation that auto-hides when the user scrolls down, and becomes visible when the user scrolls up.faq-template
An easy to customize template for the FAQ section of your project, with the questions/answers grouped in categories to ease the navigation.add-to-cart-interaction
A floating cart that slides in when the user decides to buy an item.content-filter
A slide-in filter panel powered by CSS and
A morphing dropdown that animates according to the size of its content.multi-level-accordion-menu
A simple CSS accordion menu with support for sub level items.dark-light-mode-switch
How to create a dark\light mode switch in CSS and Javascriptink-transition-effect
An ink bleed transition effect, powered by CSS animations.responsive-tabbed-navigation
A tabbed navigation with support for both horizontal and vertical menu positioning.animated-transition-effects
A library of animated transition effects, powered by CSS Animations360-degrees-product-viewer
A simple, interactive resource that can be used to provide a virtual tour of your product.flashgrid
Lightweight CSS Grid Systemlogin-signup-modal
A modal window to login/signup into your websitevertical-fixed-navigation
A side navigation which allows users to easily browse the page.product-builder
A customizable Style Guide templatestretchy-navigation
A fixed navigation to access the menu at any time while experiencing your websiteproduct-quick-view
A 'product quick view' modal window, animated using CSS3 and Velocity.jsproducts-comparison-table
A responsive table to compare and filter through multiple products.codyframe
The intuitive CSS framework.full-screen-pushing-navigation
A full page menu, that replaces the current content by pushing it off the screen.breadcrumbs-and-multistep-indicator
A 3D rotating navigation, powered by CSS transformations.morphing-modal-window
A call-to-action button that animates and turns into a full-size modal windowimage-mask-effect
An immersive transition effect powered by image masks and CSS transforms.nugget-template
Starting template for CodyHouse resourcespricing-tables
Simple responsive pricing tablesanimated-page-transition
An easy to customise google mapfixed-background-effect
An image that expands on click, going full-width and turning into a gallery.slide-in-panel
A CSS3 and JavaScript powered slide-in panel, to quickly show side content, notifications or profile
A basic template to showcase the best features of your appfull-page-intro-and-navigation
An intro page with a full width background image, a bold animated menu and an iOS-like blurred effect behind the navigationrounded-animated-navigation
An experimental full-screen navigation that expands within a circle.reading-progress-indicator
Animated side shopping cartconfirmation-popup
A simple responsive confirmation dialog boxparallax-hero-image
A full-width figure element, with floating images distributed in a 3D spacesecondary-expandable-navigation
Secondary expandable navigationsliding-panels-template
A secondary navigation intended for users who want a quick overview of the page content, and be able to easily move from one section of the page to the other.presentation-slideshow
Animated side team member biography.cross-reference-table
A responsive cross reference tablefull-screen-popout-navigation
A Fixed menu that drives users' attention to a couple of call-to-action buttons first, then let them explore the full-screen navigationsqueezebox-portfolio-template
A responsive carousel showcasing selected client testimonialsimmersive-video-template
A full-screen video presentation, that is resized and animated to become the content of a mobile device.radial-svg-slider
A simple slider, with morphing preview images animated using SVG properties.secondary-sliding-navigation
Secondary menu that slides over the main navigation3d-bold-navigation
A gallery of project preview images that expand on click to reveal the full case study.advanced-search-form
A simple 3D animation for your gallery items.3d-curtain-template
A list of split blocks that reunite on scrolling, simulating a movement along the z-axis.zoom-out-intro-effect
A full-width header image, animated using the CSS3 scale property to simulate a 3D zoom-out effect and reveal the main content of the page3d-animated-mockup
A simple template to showcase your application features through a smooth 3d animation.bouncy-content-filter
A space-saving content filter to switch from one category to the other in a fancy way3d-portfolio-template
A mobile-friendly pagination componenticons-filling-effect
An eye-catching filling effect for your icons, that can be used to make a simple page look cool and dynamic.animated-svg-image-slider
How animate an SVG icon using CSS and Snap.svg library.product-preview-slider
A minimal and responsive newsletter form with the addition of some subtle CSS3 animations to enrich the user experience.codyframe-template-for-codrops
A website template built with CodyFramebouncy-navigation
A full-screen navigation, with floating menu items.2-blocks-template
CodyFrame Snippets for VSCode.svg-modal-window
Gulp starter template for CodyFramecodyhouse-wp-config
Configuration files for your WordPress themeLove Open Source and this site? Check out how you can help us