C hash implementation based on khash.
Install with clib:
$ clib install clibs/hash
hash_t *hash = hash_new();
hash_set(hash, "name", "tobi");
hash_set(hash, "species", "ferret");
hash_set(hash, "age", "2");
hash_each(hash, {
printf("%s: %s\n", key, (char *) val);
species: ferret
age: 2
name: tobi
The hash type.
hash_t *hash_new()
Allocate and initialize a new hash.
hash_free(hash_t *self)
Free the hash, you must free values appropriately.
unsigned int hash_size(hash_t *self)
Return the number of values in the hash table.
void hash_clear(hash_t *self)
Remove all values from the hash.
void hash_set(hash_t *self, char *key, void *val);
Set key
to val
void *hash_get(hash_t *self, char *key);
Get value for key
or NULL.
int hash_has(hash_t *self, char *key);
Check if the hash contains key
void hash_del(hash_t *self, char *key);
Remove key
from the hash.
hash_each(hash_t *self, block)
A macro for iterating key/value pairs.
hash_each(users, {
printf("%s: %s\n", key, (char *) val);
hash_each_key(hash_t *self, block)
A macro for iterating keys only.
hash_each_key(users, {
printf("%s\n", key);
hash_each_val(hash_t *self, block)
A macro for iterating values only.
hash_each_val(users, {
printf("%s\n", (char *) val);