This project is no longer supported. Please consider Kafka Manager instead.
Kafka Web Console
Kafka Web Console is a Java web application for monitoring Apache Kafka. With a modern web browser, you can view from the console:
- Registered brokers
- Topics, partitions, log sizes, and partition leaders
- Consumer groups, individual consumers, consumer owners, partition offsets and lag
- Graphs showing consumer offset and lag history as well as consumer/producer message throughput history.
- Latest published topic messages (requires web browser support for WebSocket)
Furthermore, the console provides a JSON API described in RAML. The API can be tested using the embedded API Console accessible through the URL http://[hostname]:[port]/api/console.
- Play Framework 2.2.x
- Apache Kafka 0.8.x
- Zookeeper 3.3.3 or 3.3.4
Consult Play!'s documentation for deployment options and instructions.
Getting Started
Kafka Web Console requires a relational database. By default, the server connects to an embedded H2 database and no database installation or configuration is needed. Consult Play!'s documentation to specify a database for the console. The following databases are supported:
- H2 (default)
- PostgreSql
- Oracle
- DB2
- Apache Derby
- Microsoft SQL Server
Changing the database might necessitate making minor modifications to the DDL to accommodate the new database.
Before you can monitor a broker, you need to register the Zookeeper server associated with it:
Filling in the form and clicking on Connect will register the Zookeeper server. Once the console has successfully established a connection with the registered Zookeeper server, it can retrieve all necessary information about brokers, topics, and consumers:
Please report any bugs or desired features.