a bubble control highly inspired from facebook chat heads.
written in swift
Copy & paste the BubbleControl.swift into your project
with size
or image
bubble = BubbleControl (size: CGSizeMake(80, 80))
bubble = BubbleControl (image: UIImage (named: "image.png"))
set it content view (if you want to opens a content view)
let contentView = UIView ()
bubble.contentView = contentView
set content view open/close animations
bubble.setOpenAnimation = { content, background in
self.bubble.contentView!.bottom = win.bottom
if (self.bubble.center.x > win.center.x) {
self.bubble.contentView!.left = win.right
self.bubble.contentView!.spring({ () -> Void in
self.bubble.contentView!.right = win.right
}, completion: nil)
} else {
self.bubble.contentView!.right = win.left
self.bubble.contentView!.spring({ () -> Void in
self.bubble.contentView!.left = win.left
}, completion: nil)
and other optional handlers
var didToggle: ((Bool) -> ())?
var didNavigationBarButtonPressed: (() -> ())?
var didPop: (()->())?
Optional Values
var snapsInside: Bool = false
var popsToNavBar: Bool = true
var movesBottom: Bool = false