Implementing a CPU emulator using C++ Meta Programming with Concepts. The emulator can execute arbitrary programs written in Template-assembly (which is the C++ type system), under the limitations of the compiler. This proves the turing-completeness of the C++-Type-System.
Build Instructions
You need a C++-Compiler with support for Concepts (i.e. C++-20), for example:
- GCC >= 9
- Clang >= 10
The project is a cmake project, for building execute (in the root directory of the repo):
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
now there is an executable TemplateCpu
The syntax is pure C++, with classes which behave like instructions, see the examples below for more information on Template-Assembly.
Below are all supported instructions, for most instructions there is also
an Immediate version, denoted by an "I" at the end (so Add-Immediate is AddI
which takes a constant literal instead of a register as (last) argument. The full declaration of all Instruction
with a more detailed explanation can be found in instruction_def.hpp
Name | Description | Arguments | C++-Equivalent |
Add |
Add | res ,a ,b |
res = a+b |
Sub |
Subtract | res ,a ,b |
res = a-b |
Mul |
Multiply | res ,a ,b |
res = a*b |
Div |
Divide (Exception at divide by zero) | res ,a ,b |
res = a/b |
And |
Bitwise And | res ,a ,b |
res = a & b |
Or |
Bitwise Or | res ,a ,b |
res = a | b |
XOr |
Bitwise Exclusive-Or | res ,a ,b |
res = a ^ b |
Less |
Smaller comparison | res ,a ,b |
res = a < b |
Greater |
Greater comparison | res ,a ,b |
res = a > b |
Jump |
Jump to address in program | reg |
goto reg |
BranchEq |
Branch/Jump if equal | a ,b ,reg |
if (a == b) {goto reg;} |
BranchNEq |
Branch/Jump if not equal | a ,b .reg |
if (a != b) {goto reg;} |
Store |
Store register to memory | addr_reg ,reg |
*addr_reg = reg |
Load |
Load from memory into register | reg ,addr_reg |
reg = *addr_reg |
As an example there are two versions of a program to calculate the n-th fibonacci number additionally the last example is the implementation of a turing machine using Template-assembly.
Running a program
There are some utility functions to help debugging the Template-assembly code. A basic framework which shows some debug information looks like this:
#include "cpu.hpp"
#include "util.hpp"
using my_program =
int main() {
using result = Cpu<my_program>::run;
using printer = printer<result::reg, result::mem>;
if constexpr (result::is_breakpoint) {
std::cout << "Stopped at breakpoint (pc=" << result::pc << ")" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Executed " << result::instr_count << " instructions\n" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Registers:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "\nMemory:" << std::endl;
return 0;
The iterative solution calculates the fibonacci number using a loop. In (normal run-time) C++ the code would look like this:
int fib(int a) {
int b = 1;
int c = 0;
int d = 0;
int e = 1;
do {
c = d;
d = e;
e = c + d;
} while (a != b);
In Template-Assembly the code looks like this:
using fib_iterative =
AddI<int, Register::A, Register::ZERO, 40>,// 0: a = 40
AddI<int, Register::B, Register::ZERO, 1>, // 1: b = 1
AddI<int, Register::C, Register::ZERO, 0>, // 2: c = 0
AddI<int, Register::D, Register::ZERO, 0>, // 3: d = 0
AddI<int, Register::E, Register::ZERO, 1>, // 4: e = 1
AddI<int, Register::B, Register::B, 1>, // 5: b += 1
Mov<Register::C, Register::D>, // 6: c = d
Mov<Register::D, Register::E>, // 7: d = e
Add<Register::E, Register::C, Register::D>,// 8: e = c + d
BranchNEqI<int, Register::A, Register::B, 5>, // 9: if a != b -> jmp 5
StoreI<0, Register::E>
The recursive implementations demonstrates function calls and the stack. In (normal run-time) C++ the code would look like this:
int fib(int a) {
if (a > 2) {
return fib(a-1) + fib(a-2);
} else {
return 1;
In template assembly the code looks like this:
* Stack Layout
using fib_recursive =
// Init
AddI<int, Register::A, Register::ZERO, 8>, //0: set max value
AddI<int, Register::RET, Register::ZERO, 31>, //1: store last address in RET
// Check if base
GreaterI<int, Register::B, Register::A, 2>, //2: LABEL_0 b = (a > 2)
BranchNEqI<int, Register::ZERO, Register::B, 5>, //3: if a > 2 -> jmp LABEL_1
BranchEqI<int, Register::ZERO, Register::B, 29>, //4: else -> jmp LABEL_2
// Build up stack
Store<Register::STACK_PTR, Register::STACK_PTR>, //5: LABEL_1 (recursion) push STACK_PTR to stack
AddI<int, Register::STACK_PTR, Register::STACK_PTR, 1>, //6: Forward stackptr to stack
Store<Register::STACK_PTR, Register::RET>, //7: store ret on stack
AddI<int, Register::STACK_PTR, Register::STACK_PTR, 1>, //8: Forward stackptr to stack
Store<Register::STACK_PTR, Register::A>, //9: push a to stack
AddI<int, Register::STACK_PTR, Register::STACK_PTR, 2>, //10: Forward stackptr to stack by 2
// Recursion
AddI<int, Register::A, Register::A, -1>, //11: a -= 1
AddI<int, Register::RET, Register::ZERO, 14>, //12: Store return address
JumpI<int, 2>, //13: Recursion, jump to LABEL_0, result in e
AddI<int, Register::B, Register::STACK_PTR, -1>, //14: b point to RES1
Store<Register::B, Register::E>, //15: Save e to RES1
AddI<int, Register::B, Register::STACK_PTR, -2>, //16: b points to ARG on stack
Load<Register::A, Register::B>, //17: load ARG from stack into a
AddI<int, Register::A, Register::A, -2>, //18: a -= 2
AddI<int, Register::RET, Register::ZERO, 21>, //19: Store return address
JumpI<int, 2>, //20, recursion, jump to LABEL_0, result in e
// Final result
AddI<int, Register::B, Register::STACK_PTR, -1>, //21: b points to RES1
Load<Register::C, Register::B>, //22: load RES1 into C
Add<Register::E, Register::E, Register::C>, //23: e = e + c = fib(a-1) + fib(a-2)
// Cleanup stack
AddI<int, Register::B, Register::STACK_PTR, -3>, //24: b points to RET
Load<Register::RET, Register::B>, //25: Restore RET
AddI<int, Register::B, Register::STACK_PTR, -4>, //26: b points to STACK_PTR
Load<Register::STACK_PTR, Register::B>, //27: Restore RET
JumpI<int, 30>, //28: jmp LABEL_3
// Base
AddI<int, Register::E, Register::ZERO, 1>, //29: LABEL_2: e = 1
// Return
Jump<Register::RET> //30: LABEL_3, return
Turing Machine
There is also an emulator of a turing machine built upon the CPU emulator. The complete code can be found in
there is also a python implementation of the same code located in
this code is more readable, but is consistent to the template assembly implementation.
Furthermore the python implementation allows the user to directly specify transitions without calculating memory
addresses manually. The memory used for the python example can also be used to directly create the correct
initialization code for the template assembly implementation.