C Piscine @ 42saopaulo
This repository contains coding developed at 42saopaulo's C bootcamp (also known as Piscine
), from 18/nov/2019 to 13/dec/2019.
About 42
42 is a global education initiative that proposes a new way of learning technology: no teachers,
no classrooms, students learning from their fellow students (peer to peer learning), with a
methodology that develops both computing and life skills. The 42 cursus is free for whoever is
approved in its selection process. The so-called "C Piscine", a 26-day C programming bootcamp,
is the last stage in the selection process for becoming a "cadet" (42's student).
Skills developed at C Piscine
# C Language
The primary language learned at the 42's Piscine is C: dealing with variables,
pointers, memory allocation, macros, as well as creating functions and programs,
including the use and creation of libraries and Makefiles.
# Shell
The first two days of the bootcamp are dedicated to learning basic to intermediate
shell commands to seamlessly navigate through the terminal.
# Git
All projects are submitted via a remote git repository, which demands students to
be at ease with such a system.
# Self-learning and proactiveness
At 42, self-learning is at the core of its peer to peer learning methodology. There
are no teachers whatsoever; the learning process is based on googling, enquiring
your classmates, and empirical knowledge, each student learning at their own pace.
# Teamwork
On weekends, a 48h team project called "Rush" is proposed: a 3-member group randomly
chosen by the school's system must collaboratively develop a fully running application.
The major challenge here is to equalize the different knowledge levels while finding a
common work methodology that allows all team members to contribute to the project.
# Time management and resiliency
The school is open 24/7. Thus, the so-called "pisciners" are free to work whenever
they want, which demands excellent time management skills and resiliency for not
"drowning" amid the massive load of work demanded by the non-stop 26-day program.
The table below presents the C Piscine's curriculum in chronological order in which it was completed by me - order of completed subjects and corresponding attained level may vary among students.
00 | Eu aceito | N/A | - | 0 XP | 100% |
level 0 - 0% |
01 | Shell 00 | Shell | about 1 day | 100 XP | 100% |
level 0 - 88% |
02 | Exam 00 | C | about 4 hours | 225 XP | 48% |
level 1 - 73% |
03 | Shell 01 | Shell | about 1 day | 100 XP | 100% |
level 2 - 45% |
04 | Rush 00 | C | 2 days | 150 XP | 0% |
- |
05 | C 00 | C | about 1 day | 100 XP | 100% |
level 3 - 12% |
06 | Exam 01 | C | about 4 hours | 225 XP | 32% |
level 3 - 55% |
07 | C 01 | C | about 1 day | 100 XP | 100% |
level 4 - 14% |
08 | Rush 01 | C | 2 days | 150 XP | 0% |
- |
09 | C 02 | C | about 1 day | 100 XP | 87% |
level 4 - 60% |
10 | C 03 | C | about 1 day | 100 XP | 100% |
level 5 - 12% |
11 | Exam 02 | C | about 4 hours | 225 XP | 70% |
level 5 - 85% |
12 | Rush 02 | C | 2 days | 150 XP | 10% |
- |
13 | C 04 | C | about 1 day | 100 XP | 100% |
level 6 - 29% |
14 | C 06 | C | about 1 day | 100 XP | 100% |
level 6 - 70% |
15 | C 05 | C | about 1 day | 100 XP | 90% |
level 7 - 7% |
16 | C 07 | C | about 1 day | 100 XP | 15% |
- |
17 | C 08 | C | about 1 day | 100 XP | 40% |
- |
18 | Final Exam | C | about 8 hours | 375 XP | 48% |
level 7 - 73% |