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Curated repository of notes from papers I'm reading, mostly NLP related. Updated regularly.

Research literature notes 🤓

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Notes from papers I'm reading, ordered by topic and chronologically.


  1. What’s Going On in Neural Constituency Parsers? An Analysis, Gaddy et al., 2018 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp
  2. Two Methods for Domain Adaptation of Bilingual Tasks: Delightfully Simple and Broadly Applicable, Hangya et al., 2018 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp
  3. What do you learn from context? Probing for sentence structure in contextualized word representations, Tenney et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp
  4. BPE-Dropout: simple and effective subword regularization, Provilkov et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp
  5. From English To Foreign Languages: Transferring Pre-trained Language Models, Tran, 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp
  6. Evaluating NLP models via contrast sets, Gardner et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp
  7. Byte Pair Encoding is Suboptimal for Language Model Pretraining, Bostrom et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp
  8. Translation artifacts in cross-lingual transfer learning, Artetxe et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp
  9. Weight poisoning attacks on pre-trained models, Kurita et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp
  10. SimAlign: High Quality Word Alignments without Parallel Training Data using Static and Contextualized Embeddings, Sabet et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp
  11. Experience Grounds Language, Bisk et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #linguistics
  12. Beyond accuracy: behavioral testing of NLP models with CheckList, Ribeiro et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp
  13. The Hateful Memes Challenge: Detecting Hate Speech in Multimodal Memes, Kiela et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp
  14. The Unstoppable Rise of Computational Linguistics in Deep Learning, Henderson, 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #linguistics
  15. Language (Technology) is Power: A Critical Survey of "Bias" in NLP, Blodgett et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp
  16. Representation Learning for Information Extraction from Form-like Documents, Majumder et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp
  17. Learning to tag OOV tokens by integrating contextual representation and background knowledge, He et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp
  18. It's not just size that matters, small language models are also few-shot learners, Schick and Schütze, 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp
  19. Did you read the next episode? Using textual cues for predicting podcast popularity, Joshi et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp
  20. A Survey on Recent Approaches for Natural Language Processing in Low-Resource Scenarios, Hedderich et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp
  21. Challenges in Deploying Machine Learning: a Survey of Case Studies, Paleyes et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp
  22. Adapting Coreference Resolution to Twitter Conversations, Aktas et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp
  23. Learning from others' mistakes: avoiding dataset biases without modeilng them, Sanh et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp
  24. CANINE: Pre-training an Efficient Tokenization-Free Encoder for Language Representation, Clark et al., 2021 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp


  1. Semi-supervised sequence tagging with bidirectional language models, Peters et al., 2017 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #embeddings
  2. Mimicking Word Embeddings using Subword RNNs, Pinter et al., 2017 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #embeddings
  3. Deep contextualized word representations, Peters et al., 2018 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #embeddings
  4. Linguistic Knowledge and Transferability of Contextual Representations, Liu et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #embeddings
  5. Subword Regularization: Improving Neural Network Translation Models with Multiple Subword Candidates, Kudo, 2018 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #embeddings
  6. Dissecting contextual word embeddings: architecture and representation, Peters et al., 2018 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #embeddings
  7. BERT: Pre-training of deep bidirectional transformers for language understanding, Devlin et al., 2018 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #embeddings
  8. Learning Semantic Representations for Novel Words: Leveraging Both Form and Context, Schick et al., 2018 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #embeddings
  9. Wikipedia2Vec: An Efficient Toolkit for Learning and Visualizing the Embeddings of Words and Entities from Wikipedia, Yamada et al., 2018 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #embeddings
  10. Rare Words: A Major Problem for Contextualized Embeddings and How to Fix it by Attentive Mimicking, Schick et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #embeddings
  11. Attentive Mimicking: Better Word Embeddings by Attending to Informative Contexts, Schick et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #embeddings
  12. BERTRAM: Improved Word Embeddings Have Big Impact on Contextualized Model Performance, Schick et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #embeddings
  13. BERT is Not a Knowledge Base (Yet): Factual Knowledge vs. Name-Based Reasoning in Unsupervised QA, Poerner et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #embeddings


  1. Conditional Random Fields: probabilistic models for segmenting and labeling sequence data, Lafferty et al, 2001 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #architectures
  2. Bidirectional LSTM-CRF Models for sequence tagging, Huang et al., 2015 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #architectures
  3. Neural Architectures for Named Entity Recognition, Lample et al., 2016 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #architectures #NER
  4. Named Entity Recognition with Bidirectional LSTM-CNNs, Chiu et al., 2016 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #architectures
  5. Attention is all you need, Vaswani et al., 2018 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #architectures
  6. Reasoning with Sarcasm by Reading In-between, Tay et al., 2018 [Paper] [Notes] #sarcasm-detection #architectures
  7. XLNet: generalized autoregressive pretraining for language understanding, Yang et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #architectures
  8. R-Transformer: Recurrent Neural Network Enhanced Transformer, Wang et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #architectures
  9. Generalization through Memorization: Nearest Neighbor Language Models, Khandelwal et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #architectures
  10. Single Headed Attention RNN: Stop Thinking With Your Head, Merity, 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #architectures
  11. A Transformer-based approach to Irony and Sarcasm detection, Potamias et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #sarcasm-detection #architecture
  12. ProphetNet: Predicting Future N-gram for Sequence-to-Sequence Pre-training, Qi et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #architectures
  13. Pre-trained Models for Natural Language Processing: A Survey, Qiu et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #architectures
  14. SqueezeBERT: What can computer vision teach NLP about efficient neural networks?, Iandola et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #architectures #computer-vision
  15. A comparison of LSTM and BERT for small corpus, Ezen-Can, 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #architectures


  1. Flair: an easy-to-use framework for stat-of-the-art NLP [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #frameworks
  2. HuggingFace's Transformers: State-of-the-art Natural Language Processing, Wolf et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #frameworks
  3. Selective Brain Damage: Measuring the Disparate Impact of Model Pruning, Hooker et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #frameworks
  4. Why should we add early exits to neural networks?, Scardapane et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #frameworks


  1. Introduction to the CoNLL-2003 shared task: language-independent named entity recognition, Sang et al., 2003 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #datasets
  2. Datasheets for datasets, Gebru et al., 2018 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #datasets
  3. SWAG: A Large-Scale Adversarial Dataset for Grounded Commonsense Inference, Zellers et al., 2018 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #datasets
  4. A Named Entity Recognition Shootout for German, Riedl and Padó, 2018 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #NER #datasets
  5. Probing Neural Network Comprehension of Natural Language Arguments, Nivel and Kao, 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #datasets
  6. Right for the Wrong Reasons: Diagnosing Syntactic Heuristics in Natural Language Inference., McCoy et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #linguistics #datasets
  7. UR-FUNNY: A Multimodal Language Dataset for Understanding Humor, Hasan et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #sarcasm-detection #datasets
  8. HellaSwag: Can a Machine Really Finish Your Sentence?, Zellers et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #datasets
  9. Sentiment analysis is not solved! Assessing and probing sentiment classification, Barnes et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #datasets
  10. Multi-Modal Sarcasm Detection in Twitter with Hierarchical Fusion Model, Cai et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #sarcasm-detection #datasets
  11. Towards Multimodal Sarcasm Detection (An Obviously Perfect Paper), Castro et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #sarcasm-detection #datasets
  12. iSarcasm: A Dataset of Intended Sarcasm, Oprea et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #datasets #sarcasm-detection
  13. Lessons from archives: strategies for collecting sociocultural data in machine learning, Seo Jo and Gebru, 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #datasets
  14. BERTweet: A pre-trained language model for English Tweets, Nguyen et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #datasets
  15. GAIA: a fine-grained multimedia knowlege extraction system, Li et al., 2020 [Paper, [Notes] #nlp #datasets
  16. It's morphin' time! Combating linguistic discrimination with inflectional perturbations, Tan et al., 2020 [Paper, [Notes] #nlp #datasets
  17. Reactive Supervision: A New method for Collecting Sarcasm Data, Shmueli et al, 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #datasets #sarcasm-detection


  1. Introduction to the CoNLL-2003 shared task: language-independent named entity recognition, Sang et al., 2003 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #datasets #NER
  2. Neural Architectures for Named Entity Recognition, Lample et al., 2016 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #architectures #NER
  3. Named Entity Recognition with Bidirectional LSTM-CNNs, Chiu et al., 2016 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #architectures #NER
  4. Towards Robust Named Entity Recognition for Historic German, Schweter et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #NER
  5. A Named Entity Recognition Shootout for German, Riedl and Padó, 2018 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #NER #datasets

Sarcasm detection


  1. Sarcasm Detection on Twitter: A Behavioral Modeling Approach, Rajadesingan et al., 2015 [Paper] [Notes] #sarcasm-detection
  2. Contextualized Sarcasm Detection on Twitter, Bamman and Smith, 2015 [Paper] [Notes] #sarcasm-detection
  3. Harnessing Context Incongruity for Sarcasm Detection, Joshi et al., 2015 [Paper] [Notes] #linguistics #sarcasm-detection
  4. Automatic Sarcasm Detection: A Survey, Joshi et al., 2017 [Paper] [Notes] #sarcasm-detection
  5. Detecting Sarcasm is Extremely Easy ;-), Parde and Nielsen, 2018 [Paper] [Notes] #sarcasm-detection
  6. CASCADE: Contextual Sarcasm Detection in Online Discussion Forums, Hazarika et al., 2018 [Paper] [Notes] #sarcasm-detection
  7. Reasoning with Sarcasm by Reading In-between, Tay et al., 2018 [Paper] [Notes] #sarcasm-detection #architectures
  8. Tweet Irony Detection with Densely Connected LSTM and Multi-task Learning, Wu et al., 2018 [Paper] [Notes] #sarcasm-detection
  9. UR-FUNNY: A Multimodal Language Dataset for Understanding Humor, Hasan et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #sarcasm-detection #datasets
  10. Exploring Author Context for Detecting Intended vs Perceived Sarcasm, Oprea and Magdy, 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #sarcasm-detection
  11. Towards Multimodal Sarcasm Detection (An Obviously Perfect Paper), Castro et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #sarcasm-detection #datasets
  12. Multi-Modal Sarcasm Detection in Twitter with Hierarchical Fusion Model, Cai et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #sarcasm-detection #datasets
  13. A2Text-Net: A Novel Deep Neural Network for Sarcasm Detection, Liu et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #sarcasm-detection
  14. Sarcasm detection in tweets, Rajagopalan et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #sarcasm-detection
  15. A Transformer-based approach to Irony and Sarcasm detection, Potamias et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #sarcasm-detection #architecture
  16. Deep and dense sarcasm detection, Pelser et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #sarcasm-detection
  17. iSarcasm: A Dataset of Intended Sarcasm, Oprea et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #datasets #sarcasm-detection
  18. Reactive Supervision: A New method for Collecting Sarcasm Data, Shmueli et al, 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #datasets #sarcasm-detection

Text summarization

  1. Evaluating the Factual Consistency of Abstractive Text Summarization, Kryscinski et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #text-summarization
  2. TLDR: extreme summarization of scientific documents, Cachola et al, 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #text-summarization
  3. A survey on text simplification, Sikka and Mago, 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #text-summarization

Machine translation

  1. Unsupervised Tokenization for Machine Translation, Chung and Gildea, 2009 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #machine-translation
  2. Neural Machine Translation of Rare Words with Subword Units, Sennrich et al., 2015 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #machine-translation
  3. Unsupervised neural machine translation, Artetxe et al., 2017 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #machine-translation
  4. How Much Does Tokenization Affect Neural Machine Translation? Domingo et al., 2018 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #machine-translation
  5. Reusing a Pretrained Language Model on Languages with Limited Corpora for Unsupervised NMT, Chronopoulou et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #machine-translation

Text generation

Reinforcement learning

  1. Theory of Minds: Understanding Behavior in Groups Through Inverse Planning, Shum et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #reinforcement-learning #social-sciences
  2. The Hanabi Challenge: A New Frontier for AI Research, Bard et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #reinforcement-learning
  3. Mastering Atari, Go, Chess and Shogi by Planning with a learned model, Schrittwieser et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #reinforcement-learning
  4. Language as a cognitive tool to imagine goals in curiosity-driven exploration, Colas et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #reinforcement-learning
  5. Planning to Explore via Self-Supervised World Models, Sekar et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #reinforcement-learning

Computer vision

  1. Cubic Stylization, Derek Liu and Jacobson, 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #computer-vision
  2. SqueezeBERT: What can computer vision teach NLP about efficient neural networks?, Iandola et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #computer-vision

Machine learning

  1. Gender shades: intersectional accuracy disparities in commercial gender classification, Buolamwini and Gebru, 2018 [Paper] [Notes] #machine-learning
  2. Interpretable Machine Learning - A Brief History, State-of-the-Art and Challenges, Molnar et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #machine-learning


  1. End-to-End Adversarial Text-to-Speech, Donahue et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #audio
  2. wav2vec 2.0: A Framework for Self-Supervised Learning of Speech Representations, Baevski et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #audio
  3. Large-scale multilingual audio visual dubbing, Yang et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #audio


  1. Moving beyond the plateau: from lower-intermediate to upper-intermediate, Richards, 2015 [Paper] [Notes] #linguistics
  2. Harnessing Context Incongruity for Sarcasm Detection, Joshi et al., 2015 [Paper] [Notes] #linguistics #sarcasm-detection
  3. A Trainable Spaced Repetition Model for Language Learning, Settles and Meeder, 2016 [Paper] [Notes] #linguistics
  4. Targeted synctactic evaluation of language models, Marvin and Linzen, 2018 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #linguistics
  5. Right for the Wrong Reasons: Diagnosing Syntactic Heuristics in Natural Language Inference., McCoy et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #linguistics #datasets
  6. Language Models as Knowledge Bases?, Petroni et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #linguistics
  7. Different languages, similar encoding efficiency: Comparable information rates across the human communicative niche, Coupé et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #linguistics #social-sciences
  8. My English sounds better than yours: Second language learners perceive their own accent as better than that of their peers, Mittlerer et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #linguistics
  9. Experience Grounds Language, Bisk et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #linguistics
  10. The Unstoppable Rise of Computational Linguistics in Deep Learning, Henderson, 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #linguistics
  11. Climbing towards NLU: On Meaning, Form, and Understanding in the Age of Data, Bender et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #nlp #linguistics

Social sciences

  1. Antisocial Behavior in Online Discussion Communities, Cheng et al., 2015 [Paper] [Notes] #social-sciences
  2. How much does education improve intelligence? A meta-analysis, Ritchie et al., 2017 [Paper] [Notes] #social-sciences
  3. Theory of Minds: Understanding Behavior in Groups Through Inverse Planning, Shum et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #reinforcement-learning #social-sciences
  4. Fake news game confers psychological resistance against online misinformation, Roozenbeek and van der Linden, 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #social-sciences #humanities
  5. Different languages, similar encoding efficiency: Comparable information rates across the human communicative niche, Coupé et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #linguistics #social-sciences
  6. Kids these days: Why the youth of today seem lacking, Protzko and Schooler, 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #social-sciences


  1. Fake news game confers psychological resistance against online misinformation, Roozenbeek and van der Linden, 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #social-sciences #humanities


  1. Why do people stay poor? Balboni et al., 2020 [Paper] [Notes] #economics


  1. First-order transition in a model of prestige bias, Skinner, 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #physics


  1. A deep learning framework for neuroscience, Richard et al., 2019 [Paper] [Notes] #neuroscience


  1. Replace or Retrieve Keywords In Documents At Scale, Singh, 2017 [Paper] [Notes] #algorithms