The snippets you are asked to code way too often in competitive programming.
Code is intentionally simplified (no references, templates, inheritance, try-catches or stuff like that) so that you do not need to read a 300 pages long book to understand it. You are supposed to just copy and paste it during contest with minimal changes.
Use at your own risk. I am pretty sure it at least compiles, but may contain minor bugs.
Pull requests are welcome, since I do not do contests so actively anymore.
- convex hull (!)
- half-plane intersection
- dinic's algorithm
- long arithmetic
- bridge finding (!)
- minimum spanning tree
- sqrt decomposition (!!)
- string hashing
- kth element in O(n)
- bitset Gauss, bitset matmul (!)
- better FFT or fast Karatsuba
- persiistent data structures (!!)
- dynamic connectivity (!)