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Extract & Inline Critical-path CSS in HTML pagesbackbone-fundamentals
📖 A creative-commons book on Backbone.js for beginners and advanced users alikeessential-js-design-patterns
Repo for my 'Learning JavaScript Design Patterns' bookes6-tools
An aggregation of tooling for using ES6 todaybasket.js
A script and resource loader for caching & loading files with localStoragees6-equivalents-in-es5
WIP - ES6 Equivalents In ES5puppeteer-webperf
Automating Web Performance testing with Puppeteer 🎪a11y
Accessibility audit tooling for the web (beta)tmi
TMI (Too Many Images) - discover your image weight on the webtiming.js
Navigation Timing API measurement helperscritical-path-css-tools
Tools to prioritize above-the-fold (critical-path) CSSgetUserMedia.js
Shim for getUserMedia(). Uses native implementation for modern browsers and a Flash fallback for everyone else.critical-path-css-demo
Above-the-fold CSS generation + inlining using Critical & Gulpbackbone-boilerplates
Backbone.js stack boilerplates demonstrating integration with Express, Ruby, PHP, Grails and more.webpack-lighthouse-plugin
A Webpack plugin for Lighthouselearning-jsdp
Learning JavaScript Design Patterns: 2nd Edition - The Examplessublime-fixmyjs
SublimeText package for FixMyJSpredictive-fetching
Improve performance by predictively fetching pages a user is likely to needstorage-on-the-web
🗃 Comparing storage options for the open web in 2016visibly.js
A cross-browser Page Visibility API shimyeoman-examples
A repo of up to date examples using Yeomansublime-build-systems
Sublime Text build systemsoust
Extract URLs to stylesheets, scripts, links, images or HTML imports from HTMLcssprettifier-bookmarklet
A bookmarklet for prettifying your CSSpolymer-boilerplate
A Polymer.js template for building fast, robust web apps using Web Componentspubsubz
Another Pub/Sub implementationbackbone-mobile-search
A Backbone.js + jQuery Mobile sample app using AMD for separation of modules, Require.js for dependency management + template externalisation and Underscore for templatingprism-js
A Polymer element for syntax highlighting with Prism.jsstarter
A simple, git-clone friendly starting point for personal projects.memoize.js
A faster JavaScript memoizerlargescale-demo
Scalable JS architecture demo for #jqconpsi-gulp-sample
Sample Gulp project using PSIpreact-hn
🗞 Preact Hacker Newsnetwork-emulation-conditions
Network emulation / throttling conditions (2G, 3G, 4G, Wifi etc) ☎️bubblesort
Bubble Sort implementation with O(n^2) complexity.polymer-filters
Polymer filters for formatting values of expressions.angular1-dribbble-pwa
Angular 1 Dribbble Progressive Web App demoember-progressive-webapp
Ember.js Zuperkulblog PWA (built with FastBoot and ember-cli)memory-mysteries
V8 memory mysteries (sample app)smaller-pictures-app
Smaller Pics Progressive Web Appx-instagram
[Deprecated] A Polymer element for querying the Instagram API (Note: not yet updated to Polymer 0.5.x)x-imager
Responsive images using Imager.js and Polymerbackbonejs-gallery
A Backbone, Underscore and jQuery Templates based image gallery (early early beta)todomvc-angular-4
Angular 4.x TodoMVC implementationsocketchat
SocketChat - a beginners chat app using SocketStreamgithub-watchers-button
An Embeddable GitHub 'Watchers' Button For External Pagesgulp-uncss-task
[Deprecated] Use gulp-uncss instead
A YouTube Jukebox element built with Polymer & Yeomancritical-path-angular-demo
Above-the-fold CSS generation + inlining using Critical, Gulp & Angularnative-media-resizing
Draft proposal for browser-level media resizingcatclock
Polymer + Material Timer/Countdown/Countdown app (alpha)recursive-binarysearch
Recursive Binary Search with O(log N) complexityselectionsort
Selection sort with O(n^2) time complexitypolymer-grunt-example
Polymer + Gruntmicrotemplatez
Another compact micro-templating solutionpage-er
A Polymer element for paginating model datagoogle-slides
⚡ An offline-enabled Polymer slide-deckflickly-wireframe
The jQuery mobile wireframe for Flicklygrunt-uncss-sass-example
An example of using grunt-uncss on a Sass projectsparkle-trail
<sparkle-trail> Polymer element - useful as a pre-loadercssdiet
(WIP) - A DevTools extension for multi-page unused CSS auditinggithub-client
Angular GitHub client for Firefox OSa11y-webapp
A11y WebApp built with Polymer (WIP)backbone-koans-qunit
Backbone Koans for QUnitvideo-js
A Polymer element for Video.jsgenerator-webapp-uncss
Yeoman generator with grunt-uncsslottie-animation-demo
Network-aware adaptive loading with Lottie Webspine.bitly
(Demo app) A Spine.js client for shortening URLs and archiving references to these links offline.backbone-aura
Backbone Auraes2015-todomvc-chrome
ES2015 TodoMVC app that works without a transpilercritical-css-weather-app
Critical-path CSS optimized weather apppolymer-blog
A tutorial app for generator-polymergenerator-boilerplate
A simple Yeoman generator using Git submodules to clone over a boilerplate hosted elsewhere on GitHubnpm-and-polymer-demo
Demo of Polymer + Paper elements working off npm3jquery-roundrr
A jQuery plugin for plotting interactive content galleries in a circle formpolymer-localforage
A Polymer element for Mozilla's localForage (async storage via IndexedDB or WebSQL)devtools-timeline-model-browser
Browser-friendly helper for parsing DevTools Timeline traces into structured profiling data modelsmustache-for-chromeapps
A special build of mustache that works in Chrome Apps under CSPaddyosmani
GitHub READMEactive-route
Active view routing for Polymer extending <template>tmdb-viewer-load-more
Accessibility-friendly version of TMDB Viewer (load-more)webapp-scaffold
Polymer webapp scaffold elementtypeahead-country
A Polymer element for autocompleting country namesreact-interop
React + Polymer + X-Tag interopvue-cli-todomvc
TodoMVC built using the Vue.js 2.0 CLI 🍰polymer-browserify-vulcanize
Polymer + Browserify + Vulcanizees6-starter
A minimal starting point for using ES6 today.faster-video
A Polymer element for <video> with playback speed controlsjs-shapelib
A minimalist JavaScript library for drawing objects around a Circle or Ellipseelement-query
Element queries with Polymer (experimental fork)clientside-sample-buildfile
A Client-side ANT Build File Exampleparsely
A small utility for parsing URLs of all
A themeable Polymer video elementpage-router
Declarative URL routing for Polymer elements.polymer-eventemitter
A Polymer event emitter element with support for wildcards, many and once.lighthouse-reports
Quick module for getting Lighthouse reports in JSON formgenerator-es6
An project generator for Yeoman.aura
A scalable, event-driven JavaScript architecture for developing widget-based applications. Works with Backbone.js and other frameworks.jquery-googleviewer-plugin
A compact Google Viewer pluginmedium-backups
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