Fastosphere is a website and a CLI to search Meteor packages really quickly thanks to Algolia search engine.
Website provides you a very quick and easy way to find Meteor packages. You'll have basic information like package name, description, latest version, latest release date, GitHub Url, number of GitHub stars.
It's an alternative to Atmosphere. The main advantages are it's freesoftware and a lot faster than Atmosphere.
Command Line Interface (CLI)
The command line has a few really cool features.
sudo npm -g install fastosphere
or if you have an older version
sudo npm update -g
It's an alternative to meteor search
. The main advantage is it gives you real information about packages to help you to choose which one you want to install (GitHub stars, sort by score, GitHub Urls). So you don't have to leave your terminal to find which package to install.
If you want to compare, do this test:
$ meteor search moment
$ npm -g install fastosphere
$ fastosphere moment
You can also test:
$ fastosphere mo # lazy
$ fastosphere m # really lazy
$ fastosphere moomment # dyslexic
$ fastosphere moment -n 2 # display only 2 results
$ fastosphere moment -g # GitHub Urls (โ + click on the url to open the url)
$ fastosphere moment -l # display more information (last month and last week download, GitHub and Atmosphere stars)
Fork this project
If you want to fork this project, please change analytics ID with yours in <head>
part of client.html
. Also cp settings.example.json settings.js
, create an account on Algolia and fill your settings.json
with the Algolia generated keys. Do the same for github api keys.