This is not the latest abell code. You will find latest abell code in main
branch. This is abell v1 code that is currently in development.
A JavaScript based static-site-generator to help you create JSON, Markdown, or static-data based websites with minimal setup and using a syntax you almost already know.
Documentation: https://abelljs.org (v0 documentation)
v1 documentation is in progress. Till then you can check out the example code here - https://stackblitz.com/edit/vitejs-vite-riynxn?file=package.json
π Β Create Abell Project
npx create-abell my-blog
cd my-blog
npm run dev
Check out https://abelljs.org for complete documentation.
π Β Syntax Example
<!-- index.abell -->
I can render JavaScript! Look: {{ 10 + 10 }}
<!-- index.html -->
I can render JavaScript! Look: 20
π€ Contributing
If you like my work, you can sponsor me on GitHub: https://github.com/sponsors/saurabhdaware